Recent content by Jimbabwe

  1. J

    Hulk Smash IronMan ?

    i don't think they're planning on making that avengers group. The original group I think, was Iron Man, Captain America, Ant man and Wasp, Thor. The hulk was in the first few issues. I think Spiderman was only an 'honourary' avenger. They're trying to make a Justice League movie but I don't...
  2. J

    Games that didn't age well

    I shut down FEAR the other day to play Quake 4. Granted neither game is that old, but Fear really got old quick. One game that I will probably play forever is Jedi Knight Academy. Graphics look old but the game is actually fun.
  3. J

    game most deserving of a sequel (but not going to get one)

    are you talking about the ps2 version of the godfather? That game was just a crappy version of GTA. I hated the fact that towards the end of the game you had to drive across town every mission and the driving was so boring. Barrelling around corners in those rickety old cars should have been...
  4. J

    Which game was the biggest let down?

    I thought Doom3 was a pretty big let down. Maybe I was expecting it to be fun like the first two, not slow and dark. Scary is one thing, but that game was just dark. Too bad no one in the future knows how to attach a flashlight to a gun (thank you Quake 4)
  5. J

    game most deserving of a sequel (but not going to get one)

    A lot of great games get cancelled because the developers get canned/greedy/bored and great sequels never get made. What's your list? 1. Wing Commander: the last one ended on a cliff hanger and there aren't that many good space sims anymore 2. Jedi Knight outcast/academy: A great set of...
  6. J

    Game you rediscovered

    star control 2 One of the best
  7. J

    Do you have an ipod?

    Don't worry, you just haven't found the music you like yet. I've got a 20gb G4 that I thought I would never fill, now I have seven different playlists that I swap out every once in a while. I've had it for 5 years now and I'm almost hoping it will break so I can upgrade. They made them to...
  8. J

    Why the one player games

    I completely agree. The story is what makes the game for me. Advancing your character through the events, maxing out his skills - I installed quake 4 today after a hiatus and tried out the multipplayer and got bored really quick. Kill this guy, run around the room, get killed by someone else...