2019 Completed Games List

It’s great to revisit some of those classics, and yeah some of those old puzzles and riddles were hard to crack.

-Subnautica - 9 / 10
-Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps DLC (The Heist, Turf Wars and Silver Lining) - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil 2 - 9 / 10
-Far Cry: New Dawn - 7.5 / 10
-Devil May Cry 5 - 8 / 10
-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 8.5 / 10
-Rage 2 - 7 / 10
-Owlboy - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil (REmake) - 8 / 10
-Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 7.5 / 10


-Prey - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 8.5 / 10

-Nintendo Switch:

-The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (remake) - 8.5 / 10

I recently picked up the remake of Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch.

I played the original game on the classic Gameboy a long time ago, I think in 1995 or 1996. I used to play the game every morning before school. As my brothers and I only had one copy of the game, I would always get up super early to play for about an hour or so before our mother took us to school.

It was a joy to see that the latest adaption of Link's Awakening for the Nintendo Switch is such a faithful and imaginative remake. Nintendo always kills it with their aesthetics and presentation. While the Switch is not nearly as powerful as a PS4 or an X-Box One, Nintendo's wonderful art direction always ensures that their top exclusives look great. The game's soundtrack was essentially an orchestrated remaster of the original, which is great, and almost everything was exactly the same including game play, mechanics and Koholint Island itself. Playing this game certainly jogged my memory, allowing me to remember where certain things where, or how to do particular puzzles etc.

There were only three things about the game that I didn't quite like. The frame rate was unfortunately inconsistent. You'd be playing in mostly 60 FPS, but then when you entered an area of detail, such as the forest or the swamp, the frame rate drop is quite noticeable. The game is also quite short, it'll probably take you somewhere between 8 to 12 hours to complete, depending on how quickly you go through the story and if you choose to go for secret unlockables. Finally, I felt that the game's difficulty itself was a bit inconsistent. A lot of the time, I found it incredibly easy and then sometimes, the game's enemies or/and bosses would be quite tough - moving fast, unknown tactics to beat them or there might be suddenly multiple enemies on screen with AoE (Area of Effect) style attacks, little room to move etc.

Regardless of the above issues, it was still a fun game to play. If you have a Switch, I'd highly recommend that you pick up Link's Awakening. I can imagine the price tag being a bit intimidating, as Link's Awakening is a somewhat short game, but I'd still recommend getting a copy, especially if you see it on sale or have means to discount the cost.
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Xbox One
Bioshock - 8.0
Bioshock 2 - 8.5
The Evil Within - 6.0
Bioshock Infinite - 9.0
— Burial at Sea DLC - 9.0
Crackdown 3 - 8.5
Quantum Break - 9.5
Wolfenstein: The New Order - 9.0
Rise of the Tomb Raider - 8.5
Prey - 8.5
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 7.0
Lego Batman 3 - 6.5
Borderlands 3 - 9.25

Nintendo Switch
Super Mario Odyssey - 7.0

Spider-Man - 10.0

I defeated the final boss in Borderlands 3 yesterday. I immediately started a second play through on True Vault Hunter mode and also a second character so I’m sticking with this game for awhile. For the most part this is a beautiful game. I say for the most part because while the overall aesthetic is great, up close you see a lot of cracks. I play on Xbox One, so I expect the game to not be as ‘shiny’ as it would be on a powerful PC, but come on. Low res textures on objects is a constant issue. I could stand next to a fuzzy pixelated vending machine for 5 minutes. It might resolve in that time, or it might stay a blurry mass of colors. This is something I’d expect them to patch out in the first game update. There’s been two updates, but nothing has changed graphically. Also, many times the game chugs like a train going uphill. Not as much in combat, but mainly just when I’m simply navigating the menus. The menus are where there should be the least strain on the system!

Another issue I had with this game was the main antagonists. Holy shit I couldn’t stand them. The voice acting and style made me want to shove a spoon up my ass to distract from the pain. One thing I can’t stand is the stereotypical over the top YouTube or Instagram personality, and boy that’s these two times 10. Handsome Jack was the villain you loved to hate and I’d stop what I was doing to hear everything he had to say in any play through of BL2. The Calypso twins have me reaching for the mute button. Other than one cool reveal about them late game, I cared less than zero about them.

It may sound like I’m shitting all over the game, but other than the main gripes of graphical issues and the horrible villains, I still had (and am still having) a very fun time with the game. I had a great play through with Moze and beat the game with her at level 45. I started TVH mode and stopped at level 48 so I have room to grow with the upcoming Halloween missions that drop in a couple weeks. I bought the season pass so I’m prepared for all future DLC too.

Once I hit 48 with Moze, I started a brand new play through with FL4K. He was definitely a struggle after being used to Moze’s play style and being able to jump into the enemy shredding Iron Bear mech whenever my health was low. After respecing a couple times I’ve finally settled into a build that works well for me and I’m tearing through enemies while constantly keeping my beasts in the fight too. In the first play through I explored everything, found every collectible, and did every possible side mission along with the story. This time around I’m ignoring everything except story missions.

So, some complaints aside, I’m still having a blast and will probably be playing BL3 for weeks to come.

-Subnautica - 9 / 10
-Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps DLC (The Heist, Turf Wars and Silver Lining) - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil 2 - 9 / 10
-Far Cry: New Dawn - 7.5 / 10
-Devil May Cry 5 - 8 / 10
-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 8.5 / 10
-Rage 2 - 7 / 10
-Owlboy - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil (REmake) - 8 / 10
-Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 7.5 / 10


-Prey - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 8.5 / 10

-Nintendo Switch:

-The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (remake) - 8.5 / 10
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast - 5 / 10

I finished Jedi Outcast for the Nintendo Switch.

I've pretty much already voiced my opinion about this port, but in a nutshell, Jedi Outcast was excellent for its time on PC. As a console port, it's not so great, and as a Switch port, it is terribly optimised.

- Good story;
- Classic soundtrack;
- Cheaply priced on the Switch shop.

- Long loading times;
- Inconsistent frame rate and regular FPS drops;
- Frequent in-game crashing;
- Save files corrupt easily, resulting in more crashes;
- Downgraded graphics;
- Unskippable cut scenes;
- Unbalanced difficulty (very hard and frustrating boss fights);
- Control scheme sucks;
- First person shooting is highly inaccurate and difficult (first few non-Jedi levels suck).

-Subnautica - 9 / 10
-Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps DLC (The Heist, Turf Wars and Silver Lining) - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil 2 - 9 / 10
-Far Cry: New Dawn - 7.5 / 10
-Devil May Cry 5 - 8 / 10
-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 8.5 / 10
-Rage 2 - 7 / 10
-Owlboy - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil (REmake) - 8 / 10
-Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 7.5 / 10


-Prey - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - 7.5 / 10

-Nintendo Switch:

-The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (remake) - 8.5 / 10
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast - 5 / 10

Before I get into it... does anyone still come to these forums? Or is it only a few individuals nowadays, if that? Sometimes I wonder if it's worth posting here at all. :/

After playing the train wreck of a port for Jedi Outcast, I decided to play its sequel, Jedi Academy, on PC. Jedi Academy is a game I've finished numerous times.

Jedi Academy is essentially an expansion pack to Jedi Outcast. I wouldn't call it a sequel at all, as the game is too similar to Outcast, which makes sense as they were only released a year apart. The graphics haven't changed much at all, but the animation, particularly the cut scenes, are much better. They haven't aged well, but it's a lot better than Outcast.

Academy's game play however shines over Outcast, especially with PC mouse and keyboard controls. There's more Force powers and the ability to later in-game wield either a double bladed lightsaber, dual wield two, or continue to wield one but with greater proficiency. Again, with PC mouse and keyboard controls, this game is a lot of fun to play. I loved the ability to Force Grip (Choke) an enemy and quickly toss them aside, utilising Force Push to further drive them down into the abyss and their ultimate demise. Too much fun.

Unfortunately, Jedi Academy's story is quite weak, but you can forgive that because the game is quite fun to play. The game is shorter than Outcast as well. I would say Outcast is an 12 - 16 hour adventure (it took me 15 on the Switch), while Academy will take you about eight to 10. I felt game play wise, Academy was a lot easier, especially when it came to puzzles and overall navigation.

So, in a nutshell...

Story: Outcast > Academy
Gameplay: Academy > Outcast
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I really don't know why I'm posting here. I'm fairly certain no one comes here any more, and for good reason to be honest, since GameRevolution really fucked their forums up. Regardless, for some reason, here I am.


-Subnautica - 9 / 10
-Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps DLC (The Heist, Turf Wars and Silver Lining) - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil 2 - 9 / 10
-Far Cry: New Dawn - 7.5 / 10
-Devil May Cry 5 - 8 / 10
-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 8.5 / 10
-Rage 2 - 7 / 10
-Owlboy - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil (REmake) - 8 / 10
-Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 7.5 / 10


-Prey - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - 7.5 / 10
-The Outer Worlds - 9 /10

-Nintendo Switch:

-The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (remake) - 8.5 / 10
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast - 5 / 10

I finished The Outer Worlds for PC.

The Epic Store unfortunately is one of the only two online retailers selling this title and frankly, it's too expensive (about $90 AUD). I decided to sign up for X-Box's Game Pass for PC, which for my first month, cost me $1 AUD and after, it'll cost me $4.95 AUD per month, giving me access to quite a few games, including The Outer Worlds. Good deal, I reckon.

The Outer Worlds is of decent length (taking me about 19 - 21 hours to complete overall) and in all fairness, if compared, is certainly not as 'big' as Skyrim or Fallout. Instead, the game is broken up into several smaller locations, so while there isn't as much to explore, the game compensates for this by having a much deeper story, more interesting characters and rich side quests to fulfil. Let's be fair, the main campaign of Fallout 3, Skyrim and Fallout 4 can be completed in about 6 or so hours, if you decide to ignore side quests and exploration.

The Outer Worlds has an interesting setting, set in a dystopia future where corporations rule and are governed by 'The Board', while most people suffer beneath them. The overall soundtrack and presentation has a very Firefly / Serenity feel to it, with some wild west elements in the fold.

The skills and perks system seem a little simplified, but I liked it, it works well and it was easy to understand. I also enjoyed how some skills, even if considered non-violent (such as persuasion) could be used to benefit yourself in combat situations. At times, some moments of the game were a bit too easy because of these skills, but I appreciated it regardless.

Graphically, I was quite impressed. The landscapes are beautiful and the characters are well designed. I also liked the game's soundtrack, again with that wild west feel I mentioned above.

Unlike most Bethesda games, I didn't experience many bugs at all. However, I did notice that later in the story, my game kept crashing when ever I arrived to a new location by my ship (primary hub, think of the Normandy from Mass Effect). As soon as I would select my crew mates/party to leave, the game would load, then crash to my desktop. If I re-loaded my game and tried to leave my ship again, it would work as normal.

Without any spoilers, there was also one area in the game in particular where if I opened up my character menu (inventory, skills, map, journal etc.) the game would again crash to desktop. I'm guessing these crashes may not exactly be the game, but possibly the launcher, X-Box Game Pass, as it's still in Beta for PC.

I found the game was lacking a little in variety when it came to weapons. You could get certain weapons, then later you would find the same weapon, just a better version of it, whether it's 'Mark 2' or 'Ultra', for example. I also found that upgrading weapons wasn't as deep as say, Fallout 4.

Overall though, The Outer Worlds is an excellent RPG and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the genre. Even though this is a different setting, story with different game play elements, I kinda feel like this is how the new Fallout games should have been made. One of my favourite games of 2019.

9 out of 10.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: Arkham City
Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania: The Adventure

Okay, I said I was moving on to Castlevania III, but I decided to play the first Game Boy entry instead.

This game is kind of a bitch, as it lacks a lot of things one may expect from a Castlevania game. First of all, while the whip has upgrades to a morning star, it does not have a second upgrade to make it longer. Instead it has a low powered fireball that will shoot out, which can defeat some things, but other things are immune to it. I'd much rather have an increased range. Also, you lose one step of the upgrades any time you get damaged, rather than upon death. Lastly, instead of having the upgrades appear randomly after a few candles, they are in pre-determined locations, so if you take damage, you may not be able to upgrade the whip again in some time.

Also, there are no secondary weapons, which feels really bizarre when they are such a staple to the NES series.

I admit, I made use of the Castlevania Collection's quick save feature for the last level, as I kept getting to one point and then dying and then I'd have to go back through relatively easy sections and it just ate up a bunch of time. This helped also with the fight against Dracula, as I was able to just reload if I died and start the fight over. After a couple of attempts, his pattern was easy to work out and I finished the game.

It's a really short game, just four stages that have something like a 12 minute time limit each, so if you get through without too many mistakes, the game can be finished in about an hour. Though the third stage is kind of a trial and error death trap, so it will likely take a few tries, as does one section of the fourth stage.

-Subnautica - 9 / 10
-Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps DLC (The Heist, Turf Wars and Silver Lining) - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil 2 - 9 / 10
-Far Cry: New Dawn - 7.5 / 10
-Devil May Cry 5 - 8 / 10
-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 8.5 / 10
-Rage 2 - 7 / 10
-Owlboy - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil (REmake) - 8 / 10
-Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 7.5 / 10


-Prey - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - 7.5 / 10
-The Outer Worlds - 9 /10
-Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden and its followup DLC Seed of Evil - 8 / 10

-Nintendo Switch:

-The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (remake) - 8.5 / 10
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast - 5 / 10

A couple of weeks ago, I finished Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden and its followup story DLC Seed of Evil. I picked up Mutant Year Zero on X-Box Game Pass PC beta, which I am digging so much.

I've never really been into tactical, strategy-based squad games like XCOM, but for the most part, I enjoyed Mutant Year Zero. The story for the most part was intriguing, I liked the characters and voice acting, the setting, the lore and the combat was quite fun. Sometimes it could be quite difficult, but I think I only saw a game over screen once, and that's when I had entered a fight unplanned. I didn't experience any bugs and for an indie-title, the game looks good and I liked the 80's cyberpunk-style synthetic soundtrack.

The DLC pack Seed of Evil... it was okay, it gave me a few extra hours of Mutant Year Zero as well as a few new weapons, items and an extra character but I had three issues with it, one - the Seed of Evil story should have just continued from the main game. Two - it still leaves behind unanswered questions. Three - the extra characters and items are not needed, I earned them, but I did not use them to finish the DLC. If I were to score Seed of Evil separately, I'd probably give it a 7 or 7.5 out of 10.

-Subnautica - 9 / 10
-Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps DLC (The Heist, Turf Wars and Silver Lining) - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil 2 - 9 / 10
-Far Cry: New Dawn - 7.5 / 10
-Devil May Cry 5 - 8 / 10
-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 8.5 / 10
-Rage 2 - 7 / 10
-Owlboy - 8.5 / 10
-Resident Evil (REmake) - 8 / 10
-Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 7.5 / 10


-Prey - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 8.5 / 10
-Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - 7.5 / 10
-The Outer Worlds - 9 /10
-Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden and its followup DLC Seed of Evil - 8 / 10
-Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 9.5 / 10

-Nintendo Switch:

-The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (remake) - 8.5 / 10
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast - 5 / 10

I just finished Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Despite the EA Games tag, Respawn Entertainment have done an absolutely outstanding job with this title. I am a biased Star Wars fan and to be honest, this is the Star Wars game I have always wanted.

The game takes obvious inspiration from other franchises such as The Legend of Zelda, Metroid: Prime, the Uncharted Series, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Dark Souls, mixing it up in a bag of glory and really delivering one hell of a game.

The story was great, getting better and better the more you progress through the game. The game has so much depth and lore, the characters are all well written and portrayed fantastically by their respective actors. I also adored the game's musical score and it's overall sound design.

The combat likens itself to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It is challenging, but fair and not frustratingly difficult, although to be fair, I played on the default normal 'Jedi Knight' mode, so I am unsure as to how hard the game might be on higher difficulties. I also enjoyed the progression and the combat system, it was a lot of fun to play and I was always looking forward to my next fight.

For the most part, the graphics are excellent, but some character models were a bit lacking in detail, and unfortunately, the Wookiees just looked a bit unpolished, so to speak.

I played on PC and with my hardware, it ran at a mostly 60 FPS rate on the highest 'epic' settings, 1080p resolution. I did experience a couple of bugs, but nothing game breaking.

My only real issue with the game is small, nit-picky stuff. The way protagonist Cal Kestis moves sometimes looks a bit stiff, particularly when he's sprinting and swimming. I was also a little disappointed that there weren't particular minor details like other Star Wars games, such as Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy. The lightsaber, you hit a wall in Fallen Order, you'll leave behind a long, slashed scorch mark in the wall, but if you have your lightsaber on and you stand at a wall, your glowing blade just kind of... clips through the wall. Look, this is just me being nit-picky. My next criticism is probably not as nit-picky.

The unlockables in-game aren't all that amazing either. You can unlock different colour schemes for Cal's clothes, his poncho cloak, the droid BB-1, their ship the Mantis, and different lightsaber parts for customisation, but all of this is purely cosmetic. If it was actual costumes and whatnot, I'd love it, but since it's essentially colour pallet swaps, I wasn't too interested.

The game is surprisingly lengthy, taking me 23 hours to finish. That's actually longer than the Outer Worlds, which took me about 20 or 21 hours.

If you like Star Wars and games, then you need to play Fallen Order. Likewise, if you're a fan of third person action/adventure games, then Fallen Order is probably going to satisfy your thirst for an epic journey.

9.5 out of 10.
Just updated my list on the first page, I can't believe we're nearing the end of 2019! I just caught up my list over the last 3-4 months. Finally full swing into my pediatric nursing job! Get to play video games for one patient all night as he can't play them anymore, as of 2016 he couldn't move his hands anymore so he loves watching me play games for him. I just went through all 5 Gears of War games for him over the last month.

I also was not a big can of Control. I love Remedy Entertainment's games as Alan Wake is one of my favorite games of all time, but I wasn't feeling it with this one. It looked amazing on PC with ray-traced lighting and everything, but the game was just boring for me. The environments were uninspired and the story made zero sense.

Gears 5 was also much better than Gears 4, but not what I wanted. The two open areas were completely unnecessary and it felt like an excuse to extend game time. I hope that doesn't come back to Gears 6.

Picked up a few cheap Xbox One games that don't support ultrawide displays on PC last week. King's Quest was fun, but forgettable and had some pacing and gameplay choice issues. Ghostbusters Remastered was a blast to play through again and it looked pretty good on Switch. I just wish Bill Murray hadn't phoned in his lines in the game, he sounds like he's bored through the whole thing. I loved Ghostbusters as a kid and it was great to play this and watch the two movies again.

Modern Warfare was fantastic. It looks superb on PC with ray-tracing and the campaign is the best one in the entire series. It feels like the original Modern Warfare games, and the multiplayer is best yet. This is the first Call of Duty game since MW2 that I keep coming back to. It's such a blast and I'll be sticking with this one until it dies out.
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Well, all entries are due by Dec. 31st at midnight PST. These forums are so dead that I won't be doing another one of these lists. Sadly, I doubt I'll be active in the forums any more and the final entries will probably be my last post. With GR being such an awful website these days and the community finally dead, there are less than 5 active members on these forums these days. I also suspect GR won't' be around much longer.

In the new year, I'm actually removing my GR bookmark for the first time in 20 years as I usually just peruse Metacritic (now that GameRankings is gone) for game reviews. Due to the use of mobile devices these days I have a gaming news app and no longer need to click site after site to get the latest gaming news. Sadly, I haven't read gaming news on GR in the last few years, and rarely do I read reviews on here anymore. Since I can't even post reviews on here anymore or really do anything GR is now no longer my first stop for gaming anything. I only come back here for the forums, but towards the end of this year, it's pretty much been dead. There might be a reply to a topic one or twice a month. I hate to say this, but once this competition is complete at the end of the year it will be my goodbye to GR, it's also a half protest to how awful the site is and how the staff no longer replies to forum posts or hasn't even bothered updating the site since the re-launch.

I have wonderful memories of this site and it was a large part of my childhood and teenage years growing up through the end of the PS1/N64 era and into the PS2/Xbox era and beyond. Downloading PC demos on a 386 kbp/s DSL line and reading the GR mailbag was such a treat, once Duke left GR everything just slowly went downhill from there. I had posted almost 1,000 reviews on the old site and dabbled in the forums here and there. GR was one of the first sites I opened every day for almost 20 years. I would read every article word for word and actively comment on them when they started using Disqus a few years back. This isn't my final goodbye post, but I wanted to get all this out there as I'm sure the last few members will eventually leave. I noticed spam started to pile up in the forums as well, so happy gaming and it will be a fitting end going into 2020.
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Horizon: Zero Dawn
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: Arkham City
Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania: The Adventure

I managed to complete Spider-Man before the end of the year, mostly by playing way too late a few nights. Finished it up last night with a Platinum trophy. What a great game! Swinging through the city has never felt better, and all the options you are able to unlock to improve your mobility let you fly from one corner of the city to another. Had the occasional freeze up while the PS4 tried to load all the textures of the city, but not very often.

The combat was good, with a lot of variety available, however I found myself almost always punching someone up into the air and following them up to continue the assault. This only changed when enemies that could yank you down to the ground started becoming more frequent. I enjoyed the random crimes in each district, but they got a bit repetitive. It would have been nice to have a bit more variety in that department. Boss fights were fun, often requiring different tactics from each other so they never felt samey. The sections when you are controlling other characters provides a change of pace that I enjoyed, but others might feel differently.

The story was really good, with great portrayals by all the voice actors. I like how they set things up that a sequel is possible, I would certainly buy it immediately on the strengths of this game. A perfect Spider-Man game, finally dethroning the old PS2 Spider-Man 2 game.
First Place: Ivory_Soul - 41
Second Place: Master_Craig - 19
Third Place: Paradox - 15

Fourth Place: COMaestro - 8
Fifth Place: Longo_2_guns - 4

It was pretty much the same as last year, everyone played maybe one or 2 games more. Sadly we had three fewer participants than last year, and this is why this will be my last entry in this fun little competition. There just aren't enough active users in the forums any more and if you read my post a few posts up you will see how I feel about GR these days.

I'm not going to make another thread based on 2020's completed games, but someone else is welcome to. I think maybe we just post in the what are you playing thread and it would suffice for how few people come here these days.

Thanks for the fun times throughout 2019 and I enjoyed everyone's insights on the gaming world as the year crept on.
FIFA 20 - 10/10
Apex Legends - 10/10
Batman: Arkham Knight 9/10
CS:GO - 10/10
League of Legends - 9/10
TS4 - 8/10
Dead Frontier - 6/10

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