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  1. Ivory_Soul

    GameRankings is shutting down Dec. 9, 2019

    After 20 years, GameRankings is shutting down! I can't believe it. I've used this site since I had dial-up.
  2. Ivory_Soul

    Anyone else disappointed in TES: Blades?

    So with unresponsive menus, shallow combat, and wait for timers for everything you do, how do you guys feel about it? The only redeeming quality is the graphics which are quite good. Honestly, Bethesda is on a roll to be another terrible game company. With Fallout 76 and now this I'm starting to...
  3. Ivory_Soul

    2019 Completed Games List

    Same rules apply guys! Happy New Year and we're off to another exciting year of gaming! 2018 was an interesting journey and I somehow finished more games last year than the past 5 and I was in nursing school, so not sure how that happened. I tallied up everyone's list who participated last year...
  4. Ivory_Soul

    Haven't Been Able To Post Anything Since Relaunch

    So, I have finally been able to login to the forum since GR launched the new site. I tried for weeks to no avail disabling ad-blockers, trying new browsers, and even on different devices. I couldn't even click on the page that shows the admins emails which was insane. So finally, after all this...
  5. Ivory_Soul

    Get Rid of the God Damn Ads

    I think it's about time something was said. There's a reason why I use an ad blocker on GR. Their fucking ads suck ass and for some reason have completely overrun my ad blocker. I just had my browser crash and my CPU fan kick up because of this shit. The pages stretch out, videos auto play...
  6. Ivory_Soul

    Giving Away Wii U Game Codes

    I just bought the recent Nintendo Humble Bundle but I don't own a Wii U anymore (I have zero regrets). So I'm giving away the Wii U codes it came with, and there are 4. First person to post and claim the game gets the code. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Freedom Planet Darksiders II
  7. Ivory_Soul

    CA Senator Leland Yee has gone off the deep end...again

    California Senator Leland Yee has just proven how much of a lunatic he is. He says video gamers have no credibility when it comes to the video game violence issue because we can't see past our lust for violence. I think this guy has some serious issues he needs worked out. He is saying we "need...
  8. Ivory_Soul

    Doing a Contest Give-Away On My Site

    So I got the new 360 holiday bundle, but I already have Alan Wake. I slapped a contest on my site for the sexiest character drawing and it ends 1/30/11. None of my friends want it because they say it sucks (I know, I know...), and I don't want to throw it away. It's a download code so whoever...
  9. Ivory_Soul

    Can't make links work in reader reviews...

    I've been trying to add links to my reviews forever now, but when I highlight the word(s), click the hyperlink button, add the URL in the URL bar, select the Target as a New Window, I preview the review and when I click the link nothing happens. When I go back to edit the link it says this in...