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  1. Joshua Kerger

    Super Metroid in 60 Seconds

    If i could describe Metroid in a few words it would be - weird vibes
  2. Joshua Kerger

    Are you glad you grew up in the gaming era you did?

    Growing up in the early 2000's was beautiful, many classic games were popping off during those times, Playstation 1 was popular, game boy and all of them had some great title to offer that you end up remembering even today.
  3. Joshua Kerger

    Best Game Boy Game of all time and Why?

    Hands down Pokemon and Donkey Kong, i would spend hours and hours on those and at some point i was even bringing the game boy with me at school
  4. Joshua Kerger

    5+ year old games you are replaying.

    Crash Bandicoot, Donkey Kong and some Spyro, best games ever made in my opinion, they still hold up for todays standards :)