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  1. maca2kx

    The Cost of Digital: WTF?

    Immediate download followed by physical copy posted.
  2. maca2kx

    The Cost of Digital: WTF?

    After thinking again I've remembered a scenario noted by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. A publication gave three subscription options: 1. Print only - $130 2. Online only - $70 3. Print and online - $130 The prices are from memory but the print only and print/online...
  3. maca2kx

    The Cost of Digital: WTF?

    I've been gone for a long time and I come back, look at two topics, and find that nothing has changed. What's even better is that this one topic embodies everything I remember about GR! 1. Ugh will post whether or not he has something to say. 2. Ugh will acknowledge he doesn't have anything...
  4. maca2kx

    Existential Crisis

    Actually I'm happiest when I'm editing your past posts into declarations of love for me and all British people.
  5. maca2kx

    Existential Crisis

    Believe it or not over the weekend I was too busy to reply, I was... haha, nah just kidding. The weekend was a blur of I actually don't know what but I didn't realise I was meant to reply to each and every poster and especially Chris_Crime so apologies for making a topic and then not monitoring...
  6. maca2kx

    Existential Crisis

    As the title suggests perhaps it's just a crisis of existence but does anyone else feel like they're just passing time before it's time to die? This is a bit of a confession considering the last major period of posting for me was as admin but hey, it's either here, Reddit, or Facebook and here...
  7. maca2kx

    Forever alone? Not anymore!

    I meant Sourdeez's vibrating fleshlight had no reviews! Does that mean I can get my sassy black woman upgraded to... I don't know, Amber Stevens?
  8. maca2kx

    Forever alone? Not anymore!

    No reviews, how surprising.
  9. maca2kx

    In Heaven...

    Damnit, I got distracted and forgot to put 'in Heaven'. It's fixed now.
  10. maca2kx

    Forever alone? Not anymore!

    I've only got £20 but that's ok, it's worth more than $20.
  11. maca2kx

    In Heaven...

    Some of you may have already seen the joke that: In Heaven… the mechanics are German the chefs are French the police are British the lovers are Italian and everything is organized by the Swiss. In Hell… the mechanics are French the police are...
  12. maca2kx

    Temperature go down, head go boom

    Temperature goes below absolute zero
  13. maca2kx

    Hitman: Absolution |OT|

    I've completed the game on Normal and enjoyed the hell out of it. I'm currently going through each level trying to get every challenge. Some are very difficult, some make me wonder how I didn't get them on my first try. I'm perfectly happy with the Normal difficulty after a colleague of mine...
  14. maca2kx

    This makes me sick - Connecticut Shooting

    I'm in favour of banning guns that have no use but to kill people and tightly controlling guns that can be used for hunting.
  15. maca2kx

    This makes me sick - Connecticut Shooting

    This certainly is a tragedy and even though many people are going to voice their opinions about gun control and mental health care those opinions have a place in the discussion. the people using it as an opportunity to soapbox about 'evil' games and neglected gods disgust me. As a Briton I...
  16. maca2kx

    The Official Far Cry 3 Reference Topic

    Far Cry 3 is awesome. But I don't want to get into all the reasons why it's awesome, I want to focus on references sneaked into the game in one way or another. So far I've spotted three and they've all been in the bonus missions, The Lost Expeditions: 1. The Lost Expeditions themselves are a...
  17. maca2kx

    Anyone else pissed off with ACIII's glitches?

    I'm on a glossy 250GB Slim so new style but not a brand new model number. The fact that production was on PS3 could definitely be a major factor though.
  18. maca2kx

    Anyone else pissed off with ACIII's glitches?

    Yeah, X360, Dan. I've spent the last few days playing the hell out of Halo but I picked AC back up today and haven't encountered any glitches but I've already done all the liberation missions (using the method I mentioned above), and I haven't picked any locks so it's probably just that I...