Search results

  1. Dobby2244

    When did you start visiting GR?

    I joined here when I was a kid (maybe 20 years ago?).. now I come to be nosey every now and then.. it's obviously been some time since I logged in here though and I'm surprised to see the boards all moved around.. there isn't a misc section and it looks all weird now. It doesn't even seem like...
  2. Dobby2244

    What do you do for work?

    I'm an English teacher for children. I work in a school giving classes and preparing lesson plans and materials for the other teachers; and I also give private lessons. I love my job!!
  3. Dobby2244

    Ask the next person a question

    I don't really remember what gift was the best.... but actually now that I'm older I prefer to spoil my parents so when I bought them an iPad, a camera and some other things over the years, I have been just as excited to see their faces opening the gifts! Not even just for Christmas but since I...
  4. Dobby2244

    Ask the next person a question

    I ask you a question, you answer and ask another. Keep them coming! What is something that you've never done but would like to try?
  5. Dobby2244


    Yes very well thanks, and yourself :) It's nice to see a lot of familiar names ;)
  6. Dobby2244


    Preach it brutha
  7. Dobby2244

    Summer Vacation

    Well, Ive been working with kids this year and in schools so now I do have the summer off. It's good and bad.... Today really was a complete waste day. I made a new simcity town.... Haven't played that game in years, prbly since school time. But apart from that... Lots of camping, hiking, trips...
  8. Dobby2244

    Roommates from hell.

    Yeah Ive also had some weird housemates. When I was living in London, with 7 other people, there was an older woman next to my room, who was recently divorced but she had become an alcoholic. Every morning I heard her call either to her work to say she was sick or asking men to come around...
  9. Dobby2244

    Board Games

    The last boardgames I played were King of Tokyo and Risk)) 8)
  10. Dobby2244

    Warm out today... Was warm yesterday...

    yes same here, it was warm the last few weeks and started snowing today...(
  11. Dobby2244

    I'm getting engaged

    I don't post so much but I still have a nose around here, see what's going on)) Have you picked a date yet?))
  12. Dobby2244

    I'm getting engaged

    Wow)))) that is so so sweet))))) congrats!!!! I'm so happy for you both!!
  13. Dobby2244

    Lana Del Ray

    Ahh she is okay. Good singer but I find her music just so boring
  14. Dobby2244

    Quality Assurance Engineering

    I think it will be bug fixes and testing. They told me to write objectives and test cases. I chose Skype and I have questions written out about the software and test case, I guess would be something like - Can you use multiple Skype accounts on windows 8? And I have expectations and what really...
  15. Dobby2244

    Quality Assurance Engineering

    Hiya Guys))) So I have been for an interview at a really great IT company. I don't have any previous work experience in IT but they would like me to start out as a Quality Assurance Engineer but I must prepare a document about an application software of my choice and present it to them. I have...
  16. Dobby2244

    Quit your jobs and lets go travel!

    I duno really. I just feel funny to say my real name because its not common. There's no others with my name on fb. I'll message u my name if u want but I don't want to post it. Don't see why that's a bad thing
  17. Dobby2244

    Quit your jobs and lets go travel!

    That's true, and I don't think I want to post my full name on here either ;p 9 weeks!