Search results

  1. Don_Gero

    Do you have an ipod?

    I have the 8GB touch. Bought it as soon as it was released and sold my 30GB 5th gen iPod. I love it, the screen is still looking beautiful, perfect condition due to the glass. I used it all the time for music and Audible.
  2. Don_Gero

    What major news network do you follow?

    I don't think that's a valid comparison since Maher is left wing. As in correct. Anyway he has great guests.... can't wait for the next season to start. So my pick is.... Comedy Central. The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are seriously way more informative than the other networks much of...
  3. Don_Gero

    Death penalty and vengance?!?

    Ridiculous. Too many innocents would die this way.
  4. Don_Gero

    Cloverfield Review

    Me and my pal walked out around half way through. We had terrible seats, very close to the screen, and I was feeling pretty dizzy. I'll wait for the DVD to finish it. Or Blu Ray or whatever. But what I saw was definitely entertaining, I'd recommend it to those who haven't seen it, but sit...
  5. Don_Gero

    A matter of faith

    That's not what Dr. Hovind told me.
  6. Don_Gero

    What do you hate most in a game?

    Stupid limitations or missing features. Some games lack certain modes, or lock you out of them most of the time... Yeah.
  7. Don_Gero


    Pokemon of course. Completely unrelated statements, I'm sure.
  8. Don_Gero

    Topic reply notification

    Email is so old and crappy.
  9. Don_Gero

    Greatest Videogame Level Ever

    It's totally the spirit temple from OoT. I also love the wind temple in Wind Waker.
  10. Don_Gero

    Pics of yourself

    Since we're all posting grad pictures, here's mine: I'm the one chewing gum, checking out some babes off on the side.
  11. Don_Gero

    Pics of yourself

    You sounds quite sure of yourself, as if you've seen this first hand.:P You post great pics, I love em. :)
  12. Don_Gero

    The best song in video gaming history

    Wow, I was listening to Tool when I clicked on this page and it (E1M1) just kinda blended into the end of Parabola and it was pretty neat.
  13. Don_Gero

    The best song in video gaming history

    Here's my list Final Fantasy VII - Aerith's Theme Final Fantasy X - Suteki Da Ne Chrono Cross - Scars of Time The Legend of Zelda - Title Theme Final Fantasy X - Otherworld Command and Conquer - Hell's March Kingdom Hearts - Hikari / Simple and Clean Final Fantasy Series - Battle Theme
  14. Don_Gero

    GRumble - Year 5

  15. Don_Gero

    London Olympics Logo..

    Is that goatse logo REAL!?!
  16. Don_Gero

    Best part of Back to the Future

    Johnny B. Goode! There isn't even any room for debate here, close the topic!
  17. Don_Gero

    Cursive writing

    police execute the do blue pole
  18. Don_Gero

    Cursive writing

    Whenever I get a paper handed back with comments hand-written on it, I struggle to make out many of the words. THAT SHIZZ IS BUNK!
  19. Don_Gero

    The Sixth Annual GR Showdown Begins

    Resident Evil REMake Half Life 2 Donkey Kong Country (This was a very tough choice for me) Silent Hill 3 Chrono Trigger Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow Half Life Max Payne (14) Super Mario World (12) Diablo 2
  20. Don_Gero

    Pics of yourself

    You hate your sister, that's cool. I hate my family, too!