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  1. MrHimashi


    Seems like just yesterday I was a small child making horrible posts on here getting made fun of by Maca and Icepick.
  2. MrHimashi

    FORCE AWAKENS movie club (unmarked spoilers)

    It just leaves you wanting so much more.
  3. MrHimashi

    The Old Days

    I'm here.
  4. MrHimashi

    New Years Resolutions: 2015 Edition

    Get a different higher paying job. Not super happy with my current one.
  5. MrHimashi

    I'm back faggots

    Where is Dave Matthew, flying chunky monkey, ACEC, KBB or whatever he changed his name to? That british asshole that made fun of my chubby cheeks, Jared and his down with the clown friend, dobby, bubbles that chick from australia? stalfros, derrekk, nes man, krowsnose, ghostrip,firewall, link...
  6. MrHimashi

    I'm back faggots

    Okay, I'll stay this time.
  7. MrHimashi

    I'm back faggots

    Suck my dick man
  8. MrHimashi

    Does anyone have screens of the old GR?

    This is pretty amazing, some of the threads you can go in but a lot don't work, some of them that have images are even still there. Nuts. This is really bringing me back, jeeze.
  9. MrHimashi

    Does anyone have screens of the old GR?

    Sometimes I think about it and it makes me sad, I hate being 25 years old. Oh, and hello again everyone.
  10. MrHimashi

    The Hobbit Trailer

    http://christiansforamoralamerica.blogs ... movie.html :|
  11. MrHimashi

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Chrimbus everybody.
  12. MrHimashi

    Introduce Yo'Self

    My name is Carl, I posted on GR a long time ago. I work at UPS, I like my life. I still am having a hard time telling my girlfriend I'm gay though, any suggestions on that?
  13. MrHimashi

    We need some women

    I'll get my girlfriend to sign up, wooo.
  14. MrHimashi

    Stay Classy Japan
  15. MrHimashi

    Halloween - videogame themed costumes

    They have names you know 8)
  16. MrHimashi

    Your Ideal Date

    With Dave Matthews, and we would go to target and buy a bunch of kleenex for him.
  17. MrHimashi

    Baseball History

    I'm a Twins fan so I'm glad, fuck the Tigers.
  18. MrHimashi

    The best news I've heard all day!

    Who is that guy?