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  1. intoTheRain

    Where does your user name come from?

    old professional starcraft player.. always liked his name for some reason and he was a top protoss player and i played protoss.
  2. intoTheRain

    What's your stance on lending people money?

    Only lend as much as I'm comfortable with losing. I won't pester the person to pay me back and it won't ruin my relationship with them if they don't. But they'll never see a dime from me again. Basically my money lending rules in a nut shell.
  3. intoTheRain


    Getting it entirely for gaming. Didn't you say in the video that the keys in the strafe are silent? I love the idea because the wife hates mechanical. And from what I've read reds and browns are best for gaming? You're the expert. I'm pretty out of the loop on keyboards. Being using Logitech...
  4. intoTheRain


    So I'm in the market for a new keyboard, browsing Canada Computers. Go to check out the Corsair Strafe keyboard. Hit play on the video for it and who else do I see but Urban's beautiful mug. Really no purpose for this thread other than the fact that I found it deeply satisfying to see a...
  5. intoTheRain

    Fat (Body) Shaming - Your thoughts?

    240 for me. Still at a reasonable bodyfat % around 220-230. If i ever stepped on the scale and it said 240 it'd be panic mode. I've always done the traditional "bulk and cut" method, but have learned over time it is completely pointless as a natural lifter, if not almost a hindrance to progress...
  6. intoTheRain

    November Game Cram

    fall out 4 and battlefront for me. would definitely buy tomb raider if it was out for PC.
  7. intoTheRain

    YouTubers - Do you watch and follow?

    vsauce is really the only youtube channel i really follow consistently. couldn't really name another one.
  8. intoTheRain

    Fat (Body) Shaming - Your thoughts?

    People are not being properly educated and that is the problem. Photos like this that are being posted on Facebook and other social media websites are what is really starting to trigger people and resort to fat shaming. I agree fat shaming is not the proper route, but I understand...
  9. intoTheRain

    Fat (Body) Shaming - Your thoughts?

    Given the option no one would choose to be fat. They would take the fit, healthy and lean option every time. So these people do not love their bodies, nor themselves. We just live in a pleasure now, worry about the consequences later society where it's now miraculously becoming something to be...
  10. intoTheRain

    What languages do you speak?

    Still working on English.
  11. intoTheRain


    I see what you did there.
  12. intoTheRain

    Shows that were cancelled ahead of their time

    The Simpsons and Dexter :lol:
  13. intoTheRain

    Weird s*** people eat.

    You are a strange, strange man.
  14. intoTheRain

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens - rumors, potential spoilers

    Think Craig is going for the win on this topic a day contest. Good job dave man. I know nothing at all about Star Wars so I can't comment. But the new one does look amazing, so hopefully it'll make me want to watch the others.
  15. intoTheRain

    Gun control - Your thoughts?

    I agree and don't think they should be outright removed. I am anything but a gun control nut. But anyone still denying the ease of obtaining a firearm in the States isn't a large part of the issue.. well I just don't really have words. I feel like Canada does it pretty well. The only issue in...
  16. intoTheRain

    Gun control - Your thoughts?

    Perhaps both for the time being, until we have significant control and understanding of the former.
  17. intoTheRain

    The Ashley Madison scandal - your thoughts?

    honestly don't know the bold, just assumed it would be the ones who were cheated on. so my bad if I was wrong. if so pretty sad they were able to live with the guilt of making their spouse out to be a fool, and getting smashed on the side. but not the guilt of getting caught. as for what you...
  18. intoTheRain

    The Ashley Madison scandal - your thoughts?

    On one hand I'm happy, on the other I know it's still wrong. I'm happy a bunch of marriages are ending that shouldn't have been marriages at all. I'm sad people are choosing to kill themselves because their scummy spouse was cheating. Someone needs to start a dating sites for victims of...
  19. intoTheRain


    a buddys ex GF would drink nothing but red bull. and complained constantly of having insomnia. everyone has "insomnia" these days. as they update to their facebook on their bright phone screen to let everyone know they have "insomnia"
  20. intoTheRain


    One diet coke a day with dinner because i honestly prefer it to regular coke. Otherwise I drink water and green tea. Wouldn't care even if I did drink coke though. I'm sure there is a shocking video for nearly everything we put into our bodies and come into contact with on a daily basis. Just...