Search results

  1. R

    What games would make great movies? the top of my head...I'd be fascinated to see a J-horror movie of either a project zero game or the original forbidden siren (cause then i can see how it ends) as both have strong stories, strong settings & wickedly creepy creature designs. Especially Siren's penchant for monsters...
  2. R

    Transgendered man pregnant

    One of my best friends found out she was transgender last year. She's had a whole year of frustrating appointments with doctors going "I think you got it but I don't want to be the one to say so I'll send you to someone else for a second opinion". She went off to a psychiatric hospital in London...
  3. R

    Maxim Pits 7 Video Game Currencies Against the U.S. $

    Favourite Line :) Excellent find!
  4. R

    What games would make great movies?

    I thought we already had the greatest videogame movie ever?
  5. R

    Brittish Lady Reviews Violent Games

    Anne Diamond's just pissed that 2 years ago she lost all her journalistic credibility by showing up on Celebrity Fit (FAT) Club alongside Z-list celebs like astrologer Russell Grant & actor Jeff Rudom (who somehow appeared in Gladiator & Revolver) having to be weighed on TV on a giant scale...
  6. R

    Any ideas on a 'Must Have' Multi player game?

    I don't know your console situation & my PC gaming stopped round the time of Hexen 2 & the original UT but I had enough time (I'm sad enough) to compose a list: PSX - Dead Ball Zone (faster & angrier than Speedball, kick people in the nads until they PUKE!) Saturn - Virtua Fighter 2 (no...
  7. R

    What do you like the most about GameRevolution?

    When I first lurked on this website was back when downloading PC demos was still feasible on a 28.8k dial-up connection. I spent two days downloading the mammoth (for the time) half-life demo that kept crashing my net connection so I had to completely restart every time. I finally get it, I...
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    Silent Hill 1 or Resident Evil 1?

    What it boils down towards. Do you want to be in the middle of a horror movie or a horror? I love my RE (and they translate to more enjoyable films than the frustrating SH movie) but if given the choice of a desert island with power output, a psx & only one of those 2 games it would have to...
  9. R


    I think any game where ten years down the line you utter: "That game? Oh <expletive> yeah!! I played that for like twenty hours straight once! Good times!!" Or a variation of the theme. It doesn't have to be innovative to be a classic...It helps but some of my fondest memories on the...