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    The Logic Behind Gaming as a Disease

    I know its a week old, but I barely read the article. The article appears to be among the most profound and utterly stupid moments in history. Gaming as a disease? Gaming is a hobby, and to call it a disease will naturally enrage the community that has evolved around it. Why on earth would...

    Incapable of Intelligent Response?

    "count me in as well, as long as we don't have to drink kool aid" I'm not joining any cult unless it specifically carries yummy grape drink, made up of the 3 healthy food groups: sugar, water and purple."

    What happened to GR's professionalism?

    "a few jokes about LUNATIC CHRISTIANS" You wouldn't agree that there are "lunatic Christians?" I could go on about the Branch Davidians and how they burned a house full of frickin' children because God "said so," but I'm not here to argue about religion or try to make you believe something...

    What makes a game "the best ever made"

    I was thinking of a game that hooks you and doesn't let you go, sucking away your social life, family and friends. A game that anyone could pick up and play, senators included. To me, a perfect game give us something we want (like better graphics) but introduce something that we didn't KNOW...

    What makes a game "the best ever made"

    With the release of Twilight Princess, I've noticed a lot of talk about it being the best ever made. Then I realized most of these people were just rabid zelda/nintendo fans (with all due respect). GR has never given an A+, the so called "perfect" game, not even to GTA: San Andreas, which they...

    Gamings Golden Age

    "If you're referring to just the fun-ness of the average game, I'd say now is the best time to be a gamer." At $60 a game and $250+ for the consoles? Good time to be a gamer. Bad time to be a parent. With the media and all the congressmen (and a certain congresswoman) rallying against...

    Games you hate that "everyone" loves

    How about every sequel to any good game in general that decides to dumb itself down for new (noob) players. For Example: Lumines II Devil May Cry 2 Deus Ex: The Invisible War and last but not least (I know I'm going to get flamed for this): God of War The graphics were nice and the...