Search results

  1. piracer

    SOPA and all that internet business

    I'm surprised somebody hasn't started the "internet is going to hell" topic yet but I'm pretty glad that SOPA didn't pass. As we also now know (i think), megaupload just got shut down and ive read that many file sharing sites have been shut down or they have disabled their services to cover...
  2. piracer

    Your internet provider - who to choose?

    So im getting sick of Time Warner and their shitty slow internet connection/service. Who do you use? I do share it with 2 other people so we can afford to pay a little more but i was on Verizon's website and their like 'premium' service was under $50 i think whilst ATT had like an $80 one. Any...
  3. piracer

    Stand up comedy

    So i just watched Russel Peter's Green Card Tour stand up which was pretty darn funny and i realized its either him or Ricky Gervais that i really like watching. Anyone else have suggestions for good stand up?
  4. piracer

    Gun control

    So i might be blind but I'm surprised there hasn't been a gun control/Tuscon shooting topic since the whole incident. I've been having arguments with a friend of mind over gun control, and to me, i don't see how you can argue against gun control - that its only common sense to have strict...
  5. piracer

    frekin math problem

    So i know some of you here are pretty good in math, help me out please: at a high-school cross-country meet, jarryd jogs 8 mph for the first part of the race, then increased his speed to 12 mph for the second part. If the race was 21 mi long and Jared finished in 2 hr, how far did he jog at...
  6. piracer


    So im looking for a snowboard, be it used or on sale. Right now in my line of sight is a Roman Artifact 156 for $220 or Arbor 2010 Formula 155 for $190. Im 5, 8" and weigh 182 pounds, wearing a boot size 11. Would this be ok, does everyone know? Its the first time im shopping for a board so...
  7. piracer

    GMOs, yay or nay?

    So i was writing a paper on a pro or con of GMO and through my research i have yet to find a single case study where GMOs have benefited across the board without having some sort of nasty side effect. Can someone prove me wrong on this? Its making me wonder how the GMO companies ever got so much...
  8. piracer


    So does anyone else agree with me that this is the worst movie so far this year? "Princess, you are our people's inspiration" urgh...
  9. piracer

    Iphone plans

    Since im gonna be studying at WSU this coming August, wanted to ask about the best iphone plans there are out there. Which are you using or would reccomend? And since we're at it, can anyone advice on which bank i should have an account with? The campus is in Pullman if any of you folks are...
  10. piracer

    something like Billy Holiday

    Does anyone know a modern sort of Billy Holiday or Halliday as she's sometimes spelt (i think)? Like a sorta really good smooth jazzy type voice but without all that pre 1950s throat scratchy recording distortions and stuff. And omg, how good is Glee?
  11. piracer

    what are we watching these days?

    I've been away for the last 24 days (ill post photos soon enough) and just wonddering what people are watching or downloading now days. Ive got Big bang theory, HIMYM, Gossip Girl (shut up), the Pacific and recently, Deadliest warrior which is pretty cool, although i question some of the...
  12. piracer

    Going to community college

    I was hoping to get into UC Davis but was rejected (i did however get into WSU) and am wondering whether its worth going to a community college and transfering from then on. Has anyone else done this?
  13. piracer

    Going backpacking

    Im planning a trip with some army buddies of mine to Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel (in that order) next month for about 3 weeks. Whilst im really looking forward to this, the logistics of the whole thing of course is a slight pain. Getting a flight to Istanbul isnt a problem but the whole...
  14. piracer

    lookin for a new camera

    I wanna buy a new cheap-ish camera. The only thing im looking for is that its hopefully compact, and that it has a wide angel lens, so 28mm i think? Anyone have any suggestions or know of good cameras along these lines? Good battery would also be a plus
  15. piracer

    Happy new year!

    Since i'm one of the few Asian posters on this forum, i thought Ill usher in the Year of the Tiger on GR. Anyone else celebrating? The streets today (its new years day) are basically bare, for once, there is zero traffic in Chinatown since everyones at home or visiting someone elses home...
  16. piracer

    Food Inc

    I just finished watching this movie and i know its a feel months old (was waiting for torrent) and wanted to know if anyone else here has watched it in the first place and of course thoughts, especially our American friends since this is based on their homeland. With regards to how it...
  17. piracer

    i need a new phone, help me please.

    Right, so the phone i'm using now is pretty much given up on me, but to be fair its been dropped in the last 6 years so many times im surprised it still turns on. I don't really know what to look for except everyone says to get an iPhone. I kinda want one, the apps, and google maps plus the...
  18. piracer

    Doing the SATs

    Right, im gonna be doing the SAT 1s on the 5th of December, are there any tips i should take note off? I thought i read that i couldn't take in things like protractors or rulers, thats not true is it? anyone else doing them?
  19. piracer

    This erm... new lay out of GR

    Well, simply, i know topics have been made, but no poll. And we all know a nice fancy chart, be it table, line or mmmm, pie chart, should solve the problem in a nice little neat package. Personally, i think this white is very uncomfortable, and it actually does hurt my eyes, im squinting my...
  20. piracer

    The foie gras poll!

    Simply put, im doing a project on this and need some numbers. Please take the poll. If you wish to read more about it, . Thanks