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  1. JCD

    Getting to your forum profile

    Use the link below. Your forum profile is where you can edit your sig and forum preferences. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any link to it since the changeover. Hopefully it'll be sorted soon. ... ditprofile
  2. JCD

    Old Snake VS Raiden

    Tylzen and Maca, for whatever reason, seem to think that Raiden would be able to take on Old Snake in a straight up fight. Myself, I don't think he'd have a chance. So whaddya think guys? Join in the fun and tell us who's most likely to get whupped! (Raiden, obviously)
  3. JCD

    Disturbing moments in gaming.

    I think we all have at least one we can remember? Be it killing a hooker in GTA III, the "explosion" in COD4 or the mere concept behind Custers Revenge, be it fairly tame, or downright horrifying, I'm sure every gamer has experienced some pretty disturbing moments. I'd like to hear about them...
  4. JCD

    Sith Kenobi

    As if it isn't bad enough that we won't see Battlefront 3 in the form presented in the leaked trailer, turns out the Free Radical version would have had an evil Ben Kenobi. Details and cool pics at Kotaku. Tatters rags for clothes, like Yoda's but more decayed. Yeollowed teeth and claw like...
  5. JCD

    Far Cry 2

    So? What's it like people? I've seen some great reviews for it already, including GR's very own review which gave it an A-. Anybody who doesn't yet have it going to pick it up?
  6. JCD

    Hey Duke! (Jack Thompson Related)

    Jack Thompson is officially disbarred. 'Bout damn time eh? ... disbarment Though I imagine he won't stop his crusade against... everything, at...
  7. JCD

    New Oddworld Title coming

    The series has remained consistently good so far, let's hope that trend continues. Thoughts? ... Sid=876641
  8. JCD

    Favourite Devs?

    I remember seeing a topic about this at least a hundred years ago, but with all our new members, it's time we once again ask: "Who are your favourite Game Developers?" For me it's gotta be Blizzard (Starcraft), Bungie (Myth), Looking Glass :cry: (Thief 1&2, System Shock 1&2), IO (Hitman...
  9. JCD

    I luvs me some Easter Eggs!

    Well Easter is once again fast approaching, so I reckon we get down to the serious business of videogame Easter Eggs. Specifically, your favorites. Personally, I'd go for "The Siege of Madrigal" music being played when you got to a certain place in the original Halo. I'm a big fan of Myth, so...
  10. JCD

    Far Cry 2 Coming to Consoles

    Well, the Xbox 360 and PS3 anyway, the Wii just hasn't got the power required. Anyway, this is pretty great news since Far Cry 2 is looking like one of the most advanced games ever even thought of. EVER. Dynamic weather, destructible everythings, Mensa-smart AI, graphics that put Crysis to...
  11. JCD

    Dreamcast 2

    Yeah. Let it sink in for a moment, the possibilities, the amazing, fantastic possibilities. Dreamcast 2. Think about it again. It's like a Dreamcast, only it's a Dreamcast 2. Imagine that.... Well the reason that suddenly the internets are on fire with the rumor that Sega may be making a...
  12. JCD

    Dead Games

    It's happened to all of us. You hear about a kickass new game coming out soon, you look up every piece of info about the game you can find, your anticipation for the game grows and grows and grows... And then, poof. It's killed. The game is no more, the entire project pulled for whatever...
  13. JCD

    Timesplitters 4

    First trailer (and I call it that loosely) is online. Check it out at So, any other fans of one of the best FPS series ever around here?
  14. JCD

    My name is Wil Wheaton and Jack Thompson can suck my...

    Balls. At this years PAX, Wil Wheaton (Star Trek TNG, Stand By Me) gave one of the best keynote addresses ever. EVER. In brief, it's pretty much (as described by Xbox360Rally) "An hour long ode to gaming and the gamer lifestyle." He explains his relationship with gaming and why it's so...
  15. JCD

    Daily Manifesto worthy?

    Something positive about gaming for a change, I find this to be both a really cool video and a raised middle finger to Jack Thompson and all the other videogame haters out there. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param...
  16. JCD

    Dead Fanboy

    I was an MS fanboy... up until now. I'm officially renouncing my fanboyism. I just realized that I'm not a gamer anymore, I'm a corporate puppet. Up until the PS2 I always had owned every console and in that way, got the best of all worlds. Nowadays it's not about the games, but the money they...
  17. JCD

    New Features

    I thought a thread for the GMs to post any new features and for members to suggest new ones would be a good idea. So... how about getting a portal on this forum?
  18. JCD


    Lovely. Absolutely lovely. It works great too. (Please don't tell me that has always been there.)
  19. JCD

    A quick question...

    Wouldn't it be illegal for a member of this site to copy a review (or several for that matter) from Gamespot and post it in it's entirety, with no changes and no credit to the author as a member review?
  20. JCD

    wrong all post order The

    It seems that for the past day or two, posts have been running around topics. For example: HOC posted something in the Gen Gaming forum earlier. I posted a reply to that, which ended up coming before his post. Is this just me?