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  1. T

    Can't login to comment on articles

    Same issues here. I can log into the forums without issues, but I can't log in to comment. It seems to work, but when the page reloads I'm not logged in. I don't have a Disqus account, and that's not changing. I don't use Facebook, and that also is not changing. If I can't log in using my...
  2. T

    What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

    I've just about finished Just Cause 3, which has been a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Easily worth the twenty odd dollars I spent on the complete edition. I particularly like the mod I downloaded that gives unlimited fuel for the Bavarium Wingsuit. Also working through all of the...
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    What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

    Well, tomorrow my new GTX1080ti will be arriving, so I'm playing the PC upgrade game. Once I've got it installed and made sure there are no problems, I'll need to see about trying to sell the 1080 that it's replacing. Once that's out of the way I have Just Cause 3 to keep my busy. I picked...
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    Vote For Your Favorite Final Fantasy game

    Anyone that doesn't vote for FFIX got the answer wrong.
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    What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

    I've never really been into that sort of thing either, but I enjoy watching people play PUBG almost as much as just playing it myself. It was actually watching a few people on Youtube playing it that convinced me to pick up the game.
  6. T

    Vote for Your Favorite Game of 2017 So Far

    Voted for Horizon, mostly because it's the only game on the list that I've actually played so far. I did thoroughly enjoy it though. I did want to throw in an honorable mention for Playerunknown's Battlegrounds. I'm still pretty bad at it, and the game still needs a lot of work, but it is a...
  7. T

    What are ya playing?

    Radeon HD 7870 XT. I paid 225 after the rebate and got Tomraider and Bioshock Infinite with it. The card by itself is worth more than what I paid for it and I got two games that I was planning on buying anyway.
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    What are ya playing?

    I played a few hours of Kingdoms of Amalur while preloading BI. Now I just have to wait until Tuesday. Since my copy was free with my shiny new video card of doom, I don't get any bonus games with it. I'd say I still got a hell of good deal though. As to KoA, I'm trying to like it, but...
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    What are ya playing?

    While I'm sure most of you have already played it by now, for those that haven't, Gamefly has Bioshock available for free right now. Just have to sign up for a free account (if you dn't already have one) and you can download it.
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    What are ya playing?

    Steam ID (Live and PSN too actually) are all the same as my name here. I like consistency.
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    What are ya playing?

    I'll probably be playing some TF2 once the Halloween event starts, so if there is a playdate in the works, I could get in on that.
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    What are ya playing?

    Darksiders 2 improves on the original in pretty much every way imaginable. I didn't particularly care for the first game either, but I thoroughly enjoyed the sequel.
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    What are ya playing?

    Darksiders 2 will take about 25 to 40 hours depending on how thorough you are. Spec Ops will be about 8 to 12 depending on how bad your aim is. Personally, I play Darksiders first, but that's just me.
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    Best short story wins a steam copy of Torchlight 2.

    I will not be following the rules, because I'm a rebel like that. My entry: ? . ! The End.
  15. T

    What are ya playing?

    Dragon Age: Origins for me. Amazon is having a spring sale and had the ultimate pack (DA:O with all DLC and DA2 with the Black Emporium) for only ten bucks. Since I never picked up any of the DLC for my 360 copy, I couldn't pass up this deal. You can't even buy just Awakenings for ten bucks...
  16. T

    Why are there no Jews in any game?

    What are you going on about with this no Jews in games nonsense. They're all over the place. Hell, they even put one in Skyrim. I dare any one of you to seriously claim that Farengar Secret-Fire (the court wizard in White Run) isn't Jewish.
  17. T

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    I'm going with a pair of write in votes for Skyrim. Count them or not, I don't care, in my opinion it's the best game that came out this year. Not including it in the final vote doesn't change my opinion.
  18. T

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    Portal 2 was a great game with great writing and fun game play, but it was also painfully short. I've spent more time playing a single session of Skyrim than it took me to finish all of Portal 2. I'm going to have to go with Skyrim.
  19. T

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    It's not even a contest. Skyrim.