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  1. Eyebrowsbv31

    Relaunch Logo Rework

    And it is epic, so don't downsell yourself. Frankly whatever graphic designer GR hired, they're shit, cause you won ages ago.
  2. Eyebrowsbv31

    Relaunch Logo Rework

    The old GR had those rotating pictures on the splash (like, old old GR), maybe occasionally you can load in the steam group logo (GREEN LANTERN DO THE REST OF THE LOGO). I'd find that charming, and so would all of you.
  3. Eyebrowsbv31

    Relaunch Logo Rework

    Also, when i see the new logo all I see is someone sassily sticking out their red panty-hosed leg.
  4. Eyebrowsbv31

    Nuclear Holocaust in Australia?

    OH they'll nuke Oz, but only hit the part nobody lives in. Like 98% of the country.
  5. Eyebrowsbv31

    Nuclear Holocaust in Australia?

    madster right now:
  6. Eyebrowsbv31

    Happy 4/20!!!

    I'm late for 4/20, but I'm off work the next ten days But tomorrow will be FOUR TWENTY TWO (part the joke...) ....I've never actually smoked pot, but I support your right to light up man.
  7. Eyebrowsbv31

    New Year's Resolutions 2017

    I've been watching Ultimate beastmaster with my wife and I gotta say, we are all fat lumpy bastards. Hoorah for being average!
  8. Eyebrowsbv31

    New Year's Resolutions 2017

    See, in three posts we thrvee has just proven the BMI, which we Americans use, to be bullshit. Also we totally have matching partners/wives, as mine is also a skinny redhead with glasses.
  9. Eyebrowsbv31

    New Year's Resolutions 2017

    Jesus how is that possible? I'm 6 foot and to weigh 163 pounds I'd have to have like -2% body fat, or be missing a leg. Either way, impressive. I'm at 260 and around 32-35% Body Fat, which is about 91 pounds. Unless I'm calculating that shit wrong, 0% BF would leave me at 169lbs, and I'd be...
  10. Eyebrowsbv31

    New Year's Resolutions 2017

    I Barely remember sightless, but he/she agreed with me, so I take that as a win. Here, enjoy some badassnessessnessessness.
  11. Eyebrowsbv31

    Hangovers Ft. Everclear

    So if you Master Craig lots of beer, he'll do your laundry. Awesome. I have a sort of sad one that wasn't me but I was there for a chunk of it. Years ago (say 2005) a bunch of us idiots from (a old school CS/Day Of Defeat Community that's 99% dead now) were up late playing DoD...
  12. Eyebrowsbv31

    Hangovers Ft. Everclear

    That was the worst, and I love it.
  13. Eyebrowsbv31

    Hangovers Ft. Everclear

    Yeah I'm good. Way to burn my one drunk post though. I demand drunk stories!
  14. Eyebrowsbv31

    Hangovers Ft. Everclear
  15. Eyebrowsbv31

    Hangovers Ft. Everclear

    I don't get hangovers. I'm drinking everclear mixed with whiskey to get a minor, MINOR fucking buzz. if you don't know what everclear is and you're american, it goes into your car as 10% ethanol technically. From what I understand 3oz of Everclear leaves most people puking drunk. I'm at 5oz so...
  16. Eyebrowsbv31


    Urbs quit posting after none of us agreed that BLM was a good thing/doing a good job. NIckmet is busy getting his PhD in Saxism, while leading the local NYC Black Bloc chapter. Leathen is enjoying beer and seeing all the movies (ever). Maca is hunting down crims. Longo has sweet...
  17. Eyebrowsbv31

    Daily GRoaner

    It's geographically incorrect!
  18. Eyebrowsbv31

    Daily GRoaner

    it's an ocean tho. Standing in the park, I was wondering why a Frisbee gets larger the closer it gets. Then it hit me.
  19. Eyebrowsbv31

    Daily GRoaner

    Why didn't the moldy kiwi care for the other fruit? He felt they weren't cultured enough.
  20. Eyebrowsbv31

    So it's literally time to go dark

    Ehhhh, still a slippery slope to total control. But don't worry guys, according to my facebook Obama is the greatest ever and therefore we are fine.