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  1. Rinnon

    A complaint! (Wayyy too obnoxious Ad)

    You're right, the discussion kind of started with unneeded attitude and escalated. I'm sorry that I was being a jackass. But do you honestly think what I'm doing is trolling? I'm not TRYING to get you riled up, and I'm not trying to be a jackass, even though that ended up being what happened. I...
  2. Rinnon

    A complaint! (Wayyy too obnoxious Ad)

    I don't use those sites... so I suppose that says something right there. =) A subtle subscription plan that doesn't alienate non subscribers in any way isn't a terrible thing though. Such as, a very very small monthly subscription gets you the ability to remove ads, and maybe a little star...
  3. Rinnon

    A complaint! (Wayyy too obnoxious Ad)

    Oh yeah? And I pay taxes on roads, I don't figure I'm entitled to go to all the shops that use those roads and get their services for free. Do you? Because that's pretty much what you're saying. You think any of the 50 bucks you pay to your ISP goes to ANY of the websites you use? It sure as...
  4. Rinnon

    A complaint! (Wayyy too obnoxious Ad)

    There, fixed that for you. ;)
  5. Rinnon

    A complaint! (Wayyy too obnoxious Ad)

    Awesome response Anthony. Very much appreciated! (Side note, I promise I check the site more than I check the forums. XD) I was pretty confident ad blockers kill revenue for sites, but it's good to hear it straight from the horses mouth in this case. And yeah as you said, you guys need ads to...
  6. Rinnon

    A complaint! (Wayyy too obnoxious Ad)

    I'm sorry if it seems like every time I post, it's to complain about something, or ask you to change something... just know I only do it because I care! So anyways, today's topic is about Ads, and how obnoxious is TOO obnoxious. I'll just start by saying I don't use an adblocker. My...
  7. Rinnon

    Please Increase Comment Character Limit

    Oh, so, something else to pass to your tech guys. This is really minor, but it's worth mentioning. When you type a message that goes over 1000 characters, it will still post the message just fine, but it still gives you the little red "Your post is over 1000 Characters" pop up. Like I said, it...
  8. Rinnon


    Yeah, I also only enter the Haiku contests when there is something I want to win, or if it's a topic that I think I could come up with a good Haiku for. Over the last while though, I've gotten a nice collection of stuff from Haiku's. =D I've gotten a DS Case (A really sweet one by the way), A...
  9. Rinnon

    Please Increase Comment Character Limit

    Oh, hot damn, it HAS been changed to 2000. Awesome. Now my Haiku's won't be needlessly cut short!
  10. Rinnon

    Please Increase Comment Character Limit

    Oh did it? I was just thanking you for putting the request forward to the right people! I didn't realize it had gone live. Maybe I'll go test it in a long buried manifesto.
  11. Rinnon

    Please Increase Comment Character Limit

    Daniel: Thank you. Eyebrows: There, 1 more. ^_^
  12. Rinnon

    Please Increase Comment Character Limit

    Just wanted to put it out there, that 1000 characters for comments to the Manifesto etc... is pretty low. Even by other non-forum comment box standards it's pretty low. I mean, I understand that we don't want it to be unlimited or for comments to get to essay length, but 1000 character can...
  13. Rinnon

    The People Speak Week 13: Handheld Nostalgia

    I'm not sure I agree with you that most gamers started out with a hand held, but since that's not what the question was... My first handheld was a Game Gear. I got it for my 5th BIrthday, and the entire time I owned it, I only had one game for it: Sonic 2 (Not the same Sonic 2 that was on the...
  14. Rinnon

    Rather play old games.

    I haven't played it in many many years. Maybe when I get my hands on it I'll agree with you. One thing I DO notice, is I find almost all the games I used to find challenging are much much easier now. I can't remember how long it took me to get 120 Stars in Mario 64 the first time. A year...
  15. Rinnon

    Rather play old games.

    Pres: I know exactly how you feel. Do you know what I did yesterday? I went to my local game store, and I traded in about 5 PS3 games, 5 Wii games... and I re-bought an N64 so I could play Perfect Dark and Diddy Kong Racing (The DS remake was NOT acceptable). I would have bought Pilot Wings...
  16. Rinnon

    Oh wise GRians help me choose college courses!

    Yeah, math is just one of those things... I respect it immensely. And I'm always impressed by people who have that gift. It's just... not one of the talents I posses. =(
  17. Rinnon

    Oh wise GRians help me choose college courses!

    So... just to play the Devil's advocate here: If your career plan doesn't require or benefit from College, why are you taking it? Don't get me wrong here, I love Education, I'm about to go back to University myself shortly and I'm extremely excited... but if you don't have a career plan that...
  18. Rinnon

    The People Speak Week 10: Building a PC

    I would say you are better off staying away from Alienware desktops. You'd be surprised the kind of low quality components you actually get from them. I've worked with a number of them before, and like most prebuilt machines, they advertise the specs rather than the quality. They often give you...
  19. Rinnon

    Katamari for the WEB BROWSER!

    I am extremely impressed right now. EVERYONE needs to at least check this out. SOMEONE has created a browser hack that turns any website you're on into a game of Katamari Damacy. Extremely neat. All you need to do is copy and paste a URL code into your address bar, and the game begins...
  20. Rinnon

    Sounds like...

    Nah, probably directed at me and my Dragon Age related ire. For what it's worth though, I was enjoying having people who were interested in talking about it. =D Sorry if I seemed moody. ^^