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  1. Rinnon

    A complaint! (Wayyy too obnoxious Ad)

    I'm sorry if it seems like every time I post, it's to complain about something, or ask you to change something... just know I only do it because I care! So anyways, today's topic is about Ads, and how obnoxious is TOO obnoxious. I'll just start by saying I don't use an adblocker. My...
  2. Rinnon

    Please Increase Comment Character Limit

    Just wanted to put it out there, that 1000 characters for comments to the Manifesto etc... is pretty low. Even by other non-forum comment box standards it's pretty low. I mean, I understand that we don't want it to be unlimited or for comments to get to essay length, but 1000 character can...
  3. Rinnon

    Katamari for the WEB BROWSER!

    I am extremely impressed right now. EVERYONE needs to at least check this out. SOMEONE has created a browser hack that turns any website you're on into a game of Katamari Damacy. Extremely neat. All you need to do is copy and paste a URL code into your address bar, and the game begins...
  4. Rinnon

    Dragon Age 2

    So I just got through Dragon Age 2. Was wondering if anyone else has finished yet and what they thought about it. There are not plot or character spoilers in here, but if you don't want even structure of the game spoiled, don't read the next paragraph. I feel like the game needed a few...
  5. Rinnon

    What Games do YOU want to see with the latest Technology?

    So the Playstation Move, and the 360 Kinect are out. Can't say I care very much, but that's probably because there isn't any homerun games out there. Dance Central got good reviews, but I'm not really that interested in Dancing... and I can't even name a game for the Playstation Move. Does...
  6. Rinnon

    User Submitted Editorials?

    I recall reading a few months back some details on user submitted editorials, that you can submit them and if accepted would be edited and put up on the front page, etc. Anyone remember what the details were of that, and if that offer is still open?