Search results

  1. R

    Mario vs. Sonic

    Who do you think would win in a fight between Mario and Sonic? Personally, I believe Sonic would totally hand Mario his ass. Super speed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jumping/"1Up"ing
  2. R

    Video Reviews

    Every day we get just a little closer to Farenheit 451 territory.
  3. R

    Has Zombie Duke ever tried to bite/infect other reviewers?

    Always wondered.
  4. R

    Misunderstood Game Franchises

    The Manhunt series. The game IS violent, but the atmosphere and suspense of each level eclipses the violence (To me: running down a pitch black subway tunnel as corrupt SWAT officers haul ass trying to fill you full of holes>>>>>>>>>>>>>Knife kill X1000000).
  5. R

    Any legal downloads of the game Fallout (For Mac)?

    Has the company who created Fallout released it for free download yet (Similiar to what EA did Command &Conquer)?
  6. R

    Best and Worst Movie-to-Game Translations

    Best (Besides Goldeneye): Definitely The Warriors (PRobably the best "Beat Em Up" I've ever played). Worst: Bad Boys (Just an obligatory post, really).
  7. R

    Is GR planning to review Fire Pro Returns?

    Every review I see of this game basically comes down to, "LOLZ, TEH GRAFIXZ R TEH SUXXORZZ! 4/10!!1!1!11!111!1!!!!1!". Hopefully if one of you do review Fire Pro, you understand it's a "Hardcore gamer's" wrestling game, and definitely has a steep learning curve.
  8. R

    Which game will get the coveted A+?

    How did this turn into a Canada-America flame war?
  9. R

    Which game will get the coveted A+?

    Post which game you think will get the frst A+ from the GR vulgus. I believe Fire Pro Returns (PS2) will be the one: -327 playable characters -500 creatable characters -Gameplay system widely considered the best in a wrestling game -Artificial Intelligence "" "" ""...
  10. R

    What's the Jail Bait medal?

    Thanks for the help.
  11. R

    What's the Jail Bait medal?

    I have it in my profile. I'm just curious what it is?
  12. R

    Best of 2006

    I thought they gave out awrads for fighting games?
  13. R

    You guys seen this?

    *sniff*...*sniff* :cry: ...It's beautiful...
  14. R

    The new Monopoly

    Am I the only one who thinks a Doom or Starcraft Monopoly would rule?
  15. R

    Vote to help make sure Spike TV's 2006 VGAs don't suck!

    I swear, this year's VGA's were rigged. Scarface Oblivion Gears of War The Godfather They were in almost every damn catagory
  16. R

    You guys seen this?

    Oh yeah, I used to love doing this. Are there any online text adventures we can do this on?
  17. R

    What's the general consensus about Gametap?

    The one where you can play thousands of old games on your computer for a monthly subscription fee. What does everyone here think of it?
  18. R

    Regarding the Left Behind review...

    There's a difference, though. Skin color and religon aren't really on the same boat as racism.
  19. R

    Regarding the Left Behind review...

    You're still immensly belittling a significant aspect of one's life. But at this point, I see this whole thing as water under the bridge.