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  1. Hippy_Cune

    Cant figure out how to change my password..?

    exactly as the title says... BUT ALSO Hey guys!! im hoping theres a good handful of yall still here who'll remember me and the old days of the El Dorado crew. lols. I assume ill start to be in here pretty often... so.. uhhh... Thanks! Nice to see you all (when i do)! and all those...
  2. Hippy_Cune

    Your artistic endeavours

    I do music.. and sometimes i paint [/url]
  3. Hippy_Cune

    Do you consider yourself cool?

    dafuq? i got an email.
  4. Hippy_Cune

    taking my name off the net

    hey mods.. im just wanting to get my name off the net, could you edit these posts and take it out? theres few here here...
  5. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    :P i had to google candy flipping.... but i had some friends who did it about 2 years ago (we painted that acoustic seen earlier) while i was just on mushrooms
  6. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    nah dude im Barett also... its called Hippy Flipping... another also. ive never done those drugs (at the same time) But here is a pic of some acid that i do have and... a handfull of pot! and this is my DIDGERIDOO heres my hands working on removing some switches heres my...
  7. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    o jared... always blaming drugs instead of being logical hows that 16 years old treating you? ...pedophillfully? (^i claim all rights to that word)
  8. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    and 20some year old creeps.... **myself included :roll:
  9. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    those arent me but they might as well be also yesterday i got a didgeridoo from my pops as well as a navajo flute EDIT: lol jared and katie... still?
  10. Hippy_Cune

    lohan and coke

    ahhh .. i remember now.. all of GR is retarded too bad.. Peace!
  11. Hippy_Cune

    lohan and coke

    ...did someone take over used44s account... or did i just forget how retarded he is?
  12. Hippy_Cune

    lohan and coke

    i think its funny.... but sad that it gets so much new coverage. but still funny :P
  13. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    o for f*cks sake yes icp pwned... i got sprayed down with cheap soda and listened to songs by losers who now are the kings of the losers
  14. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    tiny apology accepted.. and as a bonus im going to point while i laugh at ICP
  15. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    yes lets all laugh at ICP.... and please see the post above
  16. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    i forgot how f*cked this place is... first off: HELL NO I WASNT ON MY WAY TO AN ICP CONCERT... not a fan.. at all. next.. heres the WHOLE story: ive got 3 friends whos b-day all fall on Dec 29th, while mine is Dec 26.. so for a b-day bash, we decided it would be cool to get tats...
  17. Hippy_Cune

    Pics of yourself

    this is me after this wreck i got into... broke both legs and then some this is my face after said wreck this was my car her car.. theres some blood on the head rest.. insto-death these are my shoes at the Virgin Mobile Festival in Baltimore my great uncle and i...
  18. Hippy_Cune

    Post your pictures!!!!!!!!

    . thanks for the life sized pics of vio-vader... but jesus! size those bastards down! the pope is watching
  19. Hippy_Cune


    haha also, my entire life schools have pronounced my name coon. evn though i had blatantly corrected them as often as possible, and even after freshman year in HS i refused to go to the office if they said my name wrong.. "oh what? on no, thats not me, im Slapjack cune. they want some other kid"
  20. Hippy_Cune


    nope. its my last name. and im white. heres some random history you never thought youd know: my last name "should have been" Kuen. jewish. but my great-great-grandfather was in the mob and got into some sh|t (i dunno what, but thast prolly cause they kept that underwraps).. so moved...