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  1. electricthunder


    Hello everyone. Some of you that have been here for awhile may remember me as the annoying kid, lol. I'm back, and less annoying...I read my old posts, blogs, and stuff, and it makes me want to punch myself. :P For those of you who don't know me: Hi, I'm Matt :D I like video games, the...
  2. electricthunder

    I'm back,and I have a confession to make...

    Hi! I know most of you who remember me are thinking "No!He's back!Why?!" and such. But,i'm not back,I just have a confession to make,i'm not really 18,i'm 13,and when I joined this site I wasn't 16,but 11...
  3. electricthunder

    Do you have a girlfriend?

    I'm just curious to see if alot of people here have a girlfriend or not, becasue I just recently got a new girlfriend since I broke up with my ex last month.So,basiclly my question is do you have a girlfriend?
  4. electricthunder

    Transgendered man pregnant

    I read in People magazine that a transgendered man is pregnant.He says he was a guy trapped in a girls body.So I googled it,found an article,and read more about it.I'm not really sure if a man can be trapped in a womens body or a women in a mans body.So heres the article,read it and tell me what...
  5. electricthunder

    Top comrades

    I was thinking maybe it might be kind of cool to have top comrades,like how Myspace has top friends.Just an idea.
  6. electricthunder

    Do you like me?

    Do you guys like me?Because it sures seems like you don't.......
  7. electricthunder

    What color is your hair?

    What color is your hair?Mines blonde.
  8. electricthunder

    Paper or plastic bags?

    Do you prefer paper or plastic bags?
  9. electricthunder


    What type of cards did you collect the most when you were a kid?
  10. electricthunder

    Topic reply notification

    Does GR send you a mail when someone replys to a topic you posted on?
  11. electricthunder


    How many FAQ's have you written?
  12. electricthunder

    Pacman split screen level

    All i can say is wow how weird and kind of confusing because i always thought that after the 256 level the screen went black.I got it from WiKipedia and thought it was pretty interesting so i shared it with you all.
  13. electricthunder

    my new avatar

    Well do you all like my new avatar, if not i could change it.....
  14. electricthunder


    this is a topic and a poll to see if you like polls.
  15. electricthunder


    :banana: you know i personally think that mynameismonkey is very....weird consedering his posts what do you think?
  16. electricthunder

    my art

    This is my art so enjoy it. Its ok i guess. Heres some more. Here is two more.
  17. electricthunder

    animal croosing wild world

    who else loves animal crossing?
  18. electricthunder

    madden nfl o7

    did anyone find out more about that young boy in utah who found hardcore porn in his madden nfl game for 360
  19. electricthunder

    the sims/the sims 2

    aah the sims a great computer game thats so addictive and fun i have almost all the sims and for the sims 2 which i also love oh yeah who else likes the sims
  20. electricthunder


    does anyone else here like everclear :!: