Search results

  1. Rakon

    Gone Fishin'

    So I posted a while back that I want to quit my job and go traveling, so I am. I leave December 2nd for Bangkok, and I plan on doing 2-3 months in S.E Asia, South Korea, Japan, then West Coast USA. I'm pretty pumped, but most of the excitement hasn't hit yet. I've still got a lot of things to...
  2. Rakon

    Give me life advice!

    Hey fellers, I'm gonna go on a bit of a rant, but I need to vent and I'm looking for some guidance, and GR has never steered me wrong before. I also don't know where I'd post this on reddit. I've been going through a quarter-life crisis of sorts. I really don't like my job, and I'm very much...
  3. Rakon

    I'm back

  4. Rakon

    Lolwut? ... ation.html Like srsly br0?
  5. Rakon

    GRumble 2013!!! IT"S ALL OVER!!!

    GRUMBLE 2013: The GRumbling Greetings everyone!!! It is time once again to start the proud GR forum popularity contest, the GRumble!!! We have a few less people involved in the singles competition this year, but we have some fantastic teams for the doubles this year. Last year, we were...
  6. Rakon

    GRumble 2013 Signups

    Lady and Gentlemen! It is time to begin the GRumble of 2013!!! We will be doing it much like previous past, with both a singles and a doubles tournament. This thread shall remain open for the remainder of the week (a decision that is completely not in my power), so make sure to sign up/find a...
  7. Rakon

    Seasons greetings from your favourite Canadians!!!

    Except for Rain, he doesn't like us. Here's actual proof that both WickedLiquid and I hang out in real life: And hey! Looks like Ugh was there to join in on the fun!
  8. Rakon

    I had a dream...

    Where I met De-Ting's friend, who told me his name is Frank. I then started dating her and we chilled with Mitt Romney and I got a photo with him, then one with my dawg Bill Clinton. Do your dreams make sense? Mine don't (they also don't tend to follow laws of physics). What have you dreamt...
  9. Rakon

    Humble Bundle V

    Not sure if there was a topic for this (seeing as I've been gone for a couple of months), but I wanted to bring up the extreme awesomeness that is/was the Humble Bundle V. For those who don't know, had a deal where you could pay whatever you wanted for 5 indie games, with the...
  10. Rakon

    Friendship is rare, do you know what I'm saying to you

    Especially when it comes to hanging out in person on the forums. But Wicked and I have changed all of that. We are now real-live friends. Jealous?
  11. Rakon

    I just moved in

    My name is Gerry Ford. Say, do you like nachos? My friend and I just got a place downtown and I'm beyond excited. It's a two minute walk to class, and right beside a 24 hour grocery store. Share my excitement!!!
  12. Rakon


    For whatever reason, I can't send any PMs. They just go to my outbox and sit there. WTF mate?
  13. Rakon

    Video Game Character Showdown: It's over!!!

    So we're gonna do 4 matchups a day for the first few rounds, then two, then one. No pictures this round, but the rest of 'em will. Agents are...GO!!!!!! Mario (Super Mario Bros.) vs. Vergil (Devil May Cry)  Liara Tsoni (Mass Effect)  vs. Nemesis (Resident Evil) Solid Snake...
  14. Rakon

    Nominations for the Video Game Character Showdown!!

    So I'm starting it slightly earlier than last year, but hey, that's what being unemployed does to you. We had a lot of fun the last 2 years, so lets make it another success. The rules are the same as last year (in fact, I copied and pasted them, hurray for efficiency!), and they are as follows...
  15. Rakon

    Micky Rourke is awesome ... iate-uncle I keep meaning to see The Wrestler, but I never do. Either way, not particularly a fan of his, however I am now because o this (very short) interview. Breath of fresh air if you ask me.
  16. Rakon

    I just re-watched this And it made me happy. I <3 you Ugh.
  17. Rakon

    Fellow Simpsons geeks, help me out

    "You've made a powerful enemy today" A line spoken by Mr. Burns, when a vending machine would not give him any candy. I ask you GR, what episode is this from? This is in no way a challenge, but a plea for help. That clip has been in my head for the last week or so, and I can't remember the...
  18. Rakon

    To bass, or not to bass

    As some of you may know (but most likely none of you), I'm a bass player. I've recently thought about picking up a new bass. At the store near my house, there's an Ibanez BTB for $400 (normal price is $700). I was thinking about making the purchase, but then I realized, "Do I really need a new...
  19. Rakon

    Video Game Character Showdown - It's over!!

    Alright, so we're going to have 4 matchups per day for the first few rounds, then two matchups until the quarterfinals, then one matchup. The first round will not have any pictures, but the rest of them will. The matchups are totally random, and will be re-randomized each round. Let's start...
  20. Rakon

    Nominations for the Video Game Character Showdown

    Returning for the second year, it's the video game character showdown!! Last year was really fun, and hopefully we can have as much success as we did last year. The rules are unchanged from last year, and here they are: 1) Pick 8 video game characters from any game who you want to have in the...