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  1. MarkyBee

    anyone realise how similar the THQ and Origin logo's are? ... ginthq.jpg It's like the origin logo is looking at itself in the mirror after necking 12 pints...
  2. MarkyBee

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    Dark Souls My Two Votes go to Dark Souls!
  3. MarkyBee

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    True That. Just played Bastion for the first time today, going to take it home and play over Christmas, so far a fantastic title.
  4. MarkyBee

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    Portal 2 Portal 2 gave you a concentrated burst of excellence that lasted me a good 10-12 hours. The single-player and mulit-player elements were both immensely enjoyable whilst they lasted and the robot characters left their mark on me. Skyrim's world leaves me feeling a bit disconnected -...
  5. MarkyBee

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    Dark Souls Dark Souls; I've yet to complete it, and I've played it for 90 hours... I can't help but feel like LA Noire's ending was a bit of a buzzkiller, really didn't like the fact that it was completely on-rails (story wise) regardless of your success during missions.
  6. MarkyBee

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    Portal 2 Portal 2. How can you even pit these two together? Even an MK fan has to really question their loyalty to that franchise being pitted up against one of the best single-player experiences of the last decade IMHO
  7. MarkyBee

    Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

    And in Mortal Kombat you rip open a hole in Lui Kang
  8. MarkyBee

    Most difficult games you've played

    Men, riding bears, playing tennis with dynamite? ...I'm sorry, this is too cryptic for me...
  9. MarkyBee

    Dark Souls

    Fourkings seem to spawn pretty far away from where you start out in the abyss. Is my running speed not going to be a problem? They attack with magic which is heavily damaging and pierces most defences, so I guess all the defensive help you can legitimately get your hands on is needed. The...
  10. MarkyBee

    Dark Souls

    I've got Iron Flesh, I'm going to have to get my hands on some magic greatbows or Great Heavy Soul Arrows then I guess? You have to kill more than four kings dont you? I dont want to cheaply kill anything, I heard you could get cheap kills on the hyrda in the ash lake by running past it and...
  11. MarkyBee

    Most difficult games you've played

    I'm suprised no-one mentioned the Devil May Cry series, it was challenging, but not supremely difficult. Ikaruga is a really hard game, but enjoyable if you like shooters. Dark Souls which I'm still playing now is intensely difficult at times, bossfights in particular can be really...
  12. MarkyBee

    Emotions... *spoiler warning*

    Only two videogames have ever made me shed tears of man sadness... FFVII for the obvious death scene.... And Mario Party. FUCK YOU CHANCETIME!
  13. MarkyBee

    Video Game Magazines...yes they still exist!

    I used to buy Powerstation - a magazine devoted entirely to cheatcodes! And sometimes I'd read the wallkthroughs for games with pictures because it was kind of like an advanced review of the game... I bought a couple of games because I did this - it's pretty wierd thinking about it now. Also...
  14. MarkyBee

    Dark Souls

    Still haven't beaten four kings... I got beatdown badly and ran away with my tail between my legs... I've since beaten the dukes archives and explored the crystal cave (fuck that place man...) beat the catacombs and went to the land of the giants for about a minute before i decided it might be...
  15. MarkyBee

    What are ya playing?

    This game is almost perfectly made (whether through design, or accident) to be played one episode a night. Each episode will do you for an evening, then a little credits roll will wind you out of the episode and you can turn off the Xbox and have a little ponder about the plot before bedtime...
  16. MarkyBee

    What are ya playing?

    I want to buy Skyrim.. but I've not completed Dark Souls or Arkham City and I want to go prestige on MW3 atleast once before I start giving time to anything else! I feel spoiled!
  17. MarkyBee

    MW3 Alternate Playlists - Petition for Matchmaking

    it just makes sense. Doesn't it? They included the damn game modes, maybe if they made them available to everyone in the first place you guys woulda given them a B+ for increased innovation :P
  18. MarkyBee

    MW3 Alternate Playlists - Petition for Matchmaking

    The alternate playlists available in Black Ops (gamling for COD points on One in the Chamber, etc) have been included in MW3 but without matchmaking possibilities. I've launched an online petition for the attention of Sledgehammer, IW and Activision - trying to get signatures for matchmaking...
  19. MarkyBee

    Dark Souls

    Hollowed I've gone through the game spending 99% of my time as a hollow undead, rather than using humanity to revive to human and play that way... I always seem to die and lose my humanity within minutes of using it. I do miss out on the ability to summon phantoms, the only time i've done...
  20. MarkyBee

    Dark Souls

    i've just got into Sens Castle... hit the poison dark trap... got destroyed by those snake warriors the first time around. Amazing being able to use it against them though, and when I walked up the stairs and saw the bridge with the swinging axes I was just like.... SHIT YES. It's such a...