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  1. DBucks8

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    Its quite bitchin...Not only the multiplayer is amazing, but the campaign is a blast as well.
  2. DBucks8

    Mass Effect 2

    I couldn't agree more Longo. What I loved about the first one is that you would find yourself in battle situations where you will die every time until you figure out something new to do. Challenging. This go around it feels like is just an increase in enemies that you have to wade through...
  3. DBucks8

    Guilty pleasures

    yeah! or like everclear? 3rd eye Blind?
  4. DBucks8

    Your game of the year.

  5. DBucks8

    So has anyone seen Avatar yet?

    Visually mind blowing, but the script and acting is beyond terrible. WAY too many plot holes for a sci-fi movie. When i saw it there was a guy watching it with headphones on. If you want some eye candy definitely see it, but if you are a stickler for cohesive story telling then don't keep...
  6. DBucks8

    Most badass video game character?

    Link yo!
  7. DBucks8

    Dark Warden? WTF Nick Tan! :D

    he also keeps writing the longest reviews on this site. C'mon Nick cut to the chase! P.s. whats so bad about blood splatter left over on people during conversation scenes?
  8. DBucks8

    Share Your Own Game Cover

    JCD, that rip on The Verve is the funniest thing I've seen for weeks. Thank you. Tis now my background.
  9. DBucks8

    Green Lantern

    im a fan of Reynolds, but he is no Nathan Fillion
  10. DBucks8

    what happened to the game revolution look!!?

    Hiss! The LIGHT! Not bad, dont care really. Just as long as I can get around the site.
  11. DBucks8

    Overrated games.

    I know it has been mentioned and i dont disagree with the "halo is overrated" argument but GTA4 is probably the most overrated game ever. EVERY game site gave that game a high score. And for what? A game that does everything its prequels have done? they actually took out things that are in...
  12. DBucks8

    The Game that Got You Into Gaming

    sorry, this is my first forum topic so my bad if it has already been done. I had a nintendo growing up so i missed out on all of those old atari, sega, intellevision classics. But god bless PC gaming for broadening my horizons!
  13. DBucks8

    The Game that Got You Into Gaming

    Now I've been playing videogames ever since Super Mario World still had that new car (game?) smell, but the game that glued my ass into the seat and and mercilessly sucked hour after hour of life out of me until I was nothing more than a empty shell of 6th grade nerdiness that had no thought...
  14. DBucks8


    Hot potato'd!
  15. DBucks8

    Best of 2008 Topic!

    ^...did you guys pull an Uncharted on Dead Space?
  16. DBucks8

    GR countdown: Top 100 Heroes and Villains of all time

    GLaDOS Yes! And Kane! How can you hate an over-dramatic diabolical maniac that surrounds himself with bad actors?
  17. DBucks8

    Your thoughts on egg nog?

    i freaking love this website, you all are hilarious. but I got to say, I pass on nog.
  18. DBucks8

    What is better God of War, Halo, Half Life or Gears of War.

    Half-Life. I have a thing for mute, ass-kicking turbogeeks.
  19. DBucks8

    a quick thank you to GR

    i came here to read a review on Ocarnia of Time way back when and this site has been my homepage ever since! Nice Forum oldhead, thankyou GR!
  20. DBucks8

    Game You've Beaten The Most Times

    Diablo and Diablo II and D2: LOD more times than i want to know. After that Ninja Gaiden- Xbox at about 3 times