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  1. Amnesiac

    So those mana potions...

    It made me fall asleep, and then I had a 4-day B12 hangover :? I like coffee. Yuban dark roast, to be specific (: but AM/PM coffee does me fine whenever I'm feeling spry
  2. Amnesiac

    Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

    Arrowhead with palz pwn^ At the cabin. Yeah, we had some drinkies... although it looks like I've already moved onto coffee in this one :p Caffeinds... my hair was tragic the whole time we were up there and finally.. me acting like a drunkard. The view from that deck was...
  3. Amnesiac

    Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

    Ghost is closer to the point. I was posing, but not actually on anything, except a lot of damn Absolut. My pal in front took a bunch of pictures, so I've got one where I'm checking my watch, etc. Speaking of mushrooms, however: Smoking area. After you laugh at the nerd in the middle...
  4. Amnesiac

    Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

    :o @ mala's n00m00! Cute!! I present to you, my giant Irish forehead: Space Mountain is much more fun with a camera on board ^_^ If you flash them enough, they'll speed the ride up. Yeah. Nephew ^_^ D-runk in L.A. at my pal's band's final show.
  5. Amnesiac

    Easiest Boss

    Indeed. Andross 2 was formidable, howev. Especially on expert. All the A.R.M. bosses are fun as hell on expert. 8)
  6. Amnesiac

    Ikea is so awesome.

    Anyway, I voted yes. I'm a lover of simple furniture. Edit: hah
  7. Amnesiac

    How many people smoke weed

    I believe he was just boggled at the 4/20 skip.
  8. Amnesiac

    How many people smoke weed

    I'd hardly say that's the only use for weed medicinally. Used smokes because he has AIDS. and btw, I didn't vote. What the fuck is a ye-ye? Exactly.
  9. Amnesiac

    I cant believe my topic about a peace train was deleted when

    IT WAS ME! jk pal, I wouldn't do that to you. Destruction of the peace train is not the right answer. Life is for living, love is for giving! (ahaks br0) And congrats on your results, man. You make me so proud sometimes :toast:
  10. Amnesiac

    Do you have an ipod?

    Have an 80gb, use 44gb of it currently.
  11. Amnesiac

    What classics are you currently playing?

    Don't worry, I took the liberty of deleting them, since you seem unable to learn how to use your edit button. Furthermore, none of the games in your posts were classic at all.
  12. Amnesiac

    Well guys, it's been fun but I gotta split

    Boom! If this isn't one for the books, I don't know what is.
  13. Amnesiac

    Home Page

    Oh god :(...
  14. Amnesiac

    Well guys, it's been fun but I gotta split

    Sorry to see you go, man! You were the most useful person this community has seen in a long time, and while that's not saying much, I appreciate what you've done for us, and wish you the best at Sega :) THREE CHEERS FOR JOEBLOW!!!
  15. Amnesiac

    Pics of yourself

    Just be thankful you aren't here yet: Goddamn that's an old picture...
  16. Amnesiac

    Most beautiful game???

    Super Mario 64 Uncharted
  17. Amnesiac

    What's So Great about GTA?

    Dunno if anyone has heard, but:
  18. Amnesiac

    The GR Automobile Club, Liberty City.

    I do! They're glorious. :lol:
  19. Amnesiac

    The GR Automobile Club, Liberty City.

    Convertible Banshee ftw ^_^ I'm a huge fan of the Prius copy (Dilettante)
  20. Amnesiac

    game lovers' website

    Yech. No advertising.