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  1. Amnesiac

    The GR Automobile Club, Liberty City.

    That's right, another GTAIV topic, except this one is dedicated to the many fine modes of transportation throughout our lovely Liberty. We've all got that special place in our heart for going out and bagging those sweet rides, we're just unsure on how much time we want to invest in this...
  2. Amnesiac

    I'm really on the fence

    on whether I should pick up Condemned 2 or not. Anyone played it yet?
  3. Amnesiac

    Does anyone remember

    A came called The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse for the SuperNES? I remember playing this game NON-stop when I was just a wee tyke, and to this day, it was probably the most fun I've ever had with a game. The different suits... Magic, Fireman, Robin Hood, etc. It was most surely the...
  4. Amnesiac

    Do you wear a wristwatch?

    I've found that wristwatches have become increasingly unpopular, especially because of cell phones. I'm one of the few people I know that actually does regularly wear one. So! I'm curious! Do you?
  5. Amnesiac

    Poll Pot......I mean.... Pot Poll

    i was sitting in the garage getting high just now, thinking about getting back on the computer, when a thought came to me. We hear about various GR members smoking weed, so why not take a poll on who does it, and who doesn't? I do smoke weed, tried it first when I was 13. Edit: Oh snap, I...
  6. Amnesiac

    The one playing card topic/poll to rule them all

    VS Let the battle begin!
  7. Amnesiac

    Ford topic

    Razer scooters are where it's at dawg