Search results

  1. crazycracker22

    Marvel Vs Capcom? Hah, doesn't have anything on this... ... -announced Consider my pants shat.
  2. crazycracker22

    So... Elder Scrolls 5..

    I was beginning to doubt this day would come: ... leased.ars Excuse me, I'll be replying morrowind and oblivion for the next 11 months.
  3. crazycracker22

    Operation Nuclear

    Remember the video of Ugh? And the suggestions to post it on 4chan, but the fear of invasion was to great? Well... How about we try it now. What's there to lose anyway? We very may well be destroyed in the process, but the site would change. We may very well never log back on, but we'll be...
  4. crazycracker22

    So.... Dragon Age 2?

    In case you haven't heard yet, Dragon Age 2 was announced pretty recently. Not much has been revealed aside from a website sporting the concept art and a few little facts. ... ge-ii.aspx ( in case you're too cool to google). From what I've heard, it...
  5. crazycracker22

    Red Dead Redemption

    So... anyone play this game willing to offer their opinion? I know it is getting great reviews, but it is a Rockstar game and critics will eat shit from their hands and still give it a perfect score. Is it worth buying? Does the rural setting get old quick, or is it balanced out by the small...
  6. crazycracker22

    I've never truly appreciated this fourm until..

    I started reading topics in GameFAQs. That is truly were the internet scum lie. Thank you Game REvolution. Thank you. In before the moderator's powertrip.
  7. crazycracker22

    So, Speaking of disappointing sequels...*

    It appears the makers of Bioshock 2 have just successfully created Halo: Rapture. Has anyone been following this religiously? Could those said people state their opinions in contrast to the first game? Any Opinions? Questions? Hate messages? I'm really trying to have an open mind about...
  8. crazycracker22


    Does anyone know where I can find high quality episodes of Doctor Who online? I need to see The Waters of Mars before The End of Time, and since I live in the USA, Dcotor is unavailable. On a side note, Matt Smith is so dreamy.
  9. crazycracker22

    I just threw up a little... (Too human Review)

    Not for the review it's self (Spot on, well written, and accurate), but the tag line. "Too err is human"? Not only is that the exact same tag from the IGN AU review, it was a horrible attmept to be witty. I love you GR, but that was extremely lame. Sorry for the bitching and moaning. End...
  10. crazycracker22

    Zombies infecting Liberty City!!

    Sort of. Go to the player model screen and press LB (or L1) to change into a zombie with a yellow spedo. Kinky.
  11. crazycracker22

    blizzard is a dick. ...Nice fool, just a dickish way to toy with my heart.
  12. crazycracker22

    "Homosexual Themes" in Army of Two

    The apparently Homosexual themes in army of two are being brought up in just about every article about that game, and I honestly don't see it. Well ok, the parachuting can look a bit ehhhh strange if you have a dim witted Xbox live partner, but besides that I can't see it. As to the references...
  13. crazycracker22

    Highlander: The game I can die now.
  14. crazycracker22

    Devil may cry 4

    Looks pretty sweet! The graphics look great, and the ability to switch between styles instantly is pretty awesome. I have to admit i'm a little upset you won't get to play as Dante through the game, but eh who knows maybe Nero isn't as such of a pussy as he looks. Best yet this one looks like...
  15. crazycracker22

    IGN's best of 07 I mean really, this is just plain crappy. They set it up so it's obvious that it would win. Hell half the awards only had one choice. Lost planet as best action game?!? that came out in 06 .....
  16. crazycracker22

    Assassin's Creed

    It got a bunch of mixed reviews, so im not sure if its worth checking out. Has any of you played it yet? if so would you recommend it?
  17. crazycracker22

    Is it worth it?

    Heres the thing I have been playing alot of FF12 and doing that made me want to make my own FF character and play with other people, of course im talking about final fantasy XI. Im pretty much sick of WoW, and i can pick up FF11 and all the expansion for around 20 bucks, but i dont know if it...
  18. crazycracker22


    what the hell is up with him? ... /CLEARVIEW ... =CLEARVIEW ... /CLEARVIEW