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  1. Jesse_Costantino

    What happened to platform comparisons?

    Gotcha. There are a lot of sticky points with PC-to-console comparisons. The biggest problem is that there is no standard PC. The other is that most of us freelancers are poor as @*&# and can barely afford rent, let alone a decent gaming rig. :?
  2. Jesse_Costantino

    What happened to platform comparisons?

    I know for my part, usually platform comparisons are just a way to create drama where there is none. If there are important notable differences, I'll point them out. But over the past two years, those differences have pretty much disappeared. More often than not it just feeds into console wars...
  3. Jesse_Costantino

    Hey danielrbischoff

    Well, you could check out the new features that I've been pumping out now on a semi-weekly basis. I didn't leave the sexy world of review writing behind for nothing! If you're lucky, you may be able to spot a thought or two...
  4. Jesse_Costantino

    Duke Quit!?!?

    Duke's presence and personality will be sorely missed on the site. Without him, GR wouldn't be the warm home to inebriated misfits that it is. Cheers. And as Mr. Dodson said above, this is Nick and Blake's big chance to step up and show us all what they can do. Duke's left some big shoes to...
  5. Jesse_Costantino

    Alan Wake review...

    Thanks! Really appreciate it. Writing a positive review is always a lot tougher than writing a negative one.
  6. Jesse_Costantino

    I beg of you Duke, review Forza 3

    A game like this, you don't have the space to write about everything. Tried to hit the most important points, especially the things that were most changed since FM2. -JC
  7. Jesse_Costantino

    Which version of Madden 10 should I buy?

    Is this what you were looking for? Paragraph seven. :wink:
  8. Jesse_Costantino

    Best of 2008 Topic!

    If I had two picks for Editor's Choice, Dead Space would absolutely have been one of them. I'll be sure to buy a round of drinks in its honor next time I'm at the bar. :wink:
  9. Jesse_Costantino

    When exactly did critics go soft?

    oops. double post. :oops:
  10. Jesse_Costantino

    When exactly did critics go soft?

    Nick's right. :shock: Anonymous ("user") reviews live in the land of extremes. Either a game is "teh best evar!!11!" or it is "stinkier than day-old piss on a ten-year-old pile of dung." So those aren't a very good measure. User averages also factor in a disproportionate amount of negative...
  11. Jesse_Costantino

    The GR Far Cry 2 Review

    Yeah, I hate that guy. He smells. Really bad. And I'm pretty sure I saw him eat a kitten once. He'd deny it if you brought it up, but he knows that I know that he knows that I saw him do it.
  12. Jesse_Costantino

    The GR Far Cry 2 Review

    The only time enemies spot me is when I approach in a vehicle or at a run. Otherwise, they don't know I'm there until they hear the brush rustling or hear me fire my first round. Using a silenced pistol or dart rifle usually keeps them from spotting me. Enemies in FC2 might not be brilliant...
  13. Jesse_Costantino

    The GR PS3 Socom Review

    Yup. It's too bad. Consoles could use a realistic FPS. Guess we'll all just have to wait for the uber-realistic alien-bashing of Resistance 2.
  14. Jesse_Costantino

    Rock Band Fans - how much will you pay?

    Buying RB2 + instruments is nothing compared to how much it would cost me to buy a bigger dog house. ...because that's where I'd have to live if I brought yet more plastic instruments into the living room.
  15. Jesse_Costantino

    GTA IV = A-? Something wicked this way comes...

    A week after writing my review, I've noticed a few things overall: 1) As I said in my review, the game is an impressive collection of new details, but it's ultimately less of a game overall compared to its predecessors. It's a fantastic game, but it's not meeting its potential--to the point...
  16. Jesse_Costantino

    GTA IV = A-? Something wicked this way comes...

    A bit too precise. To emend you emendation, and retroactively emend my initial, um, "mend," I actually do hold off on reading reviews until after I've written mine.
  17. Jesse_Costantino

    GTA IV = A-? Something wicked this way comes...

    Great thoughts, all. A couple of things I think might help add some perspective: 1) I don't read other reviews of a game I'm reviewing. I prefer to play a review game fresh as a daisy. 2) As many of you already know, this game has a ton of features and details, so I obviously had to...
  18. Jesse_Costantino

    GTA IV = A-? Something wicked this way comes...

    Everyone else is just too easy. We're the Catholic girls of game journalism.
  19. Jesse_Costantino

    Dear GR editors...

    Look at it this way: It would be a really bad sign if I had been able to write this review after just two days of playing it.