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  1. Abracadaver

    So, Speaking of disappointing sequels...*

    I'm willing to give it a chance. I think being a Big Daddy tones down the overall scare factor from the original game (which is a minus for me) I also enjoy the cyberpunk setting in System Shock compared to Bioshock's steampunk....and SHODAN is just awesome
  2. Abracadaver!? (MvC 2)

    woo its definite now. they have a video up and they converted it to widescreen too.
  3. Abracadaver!? (MvC 2) ... ievements/ yea here, could be fake but hope not
  4. Abracadaver!? (MvC 2)

    This site has been counting down for the past two weeks ago. Tu4ar most likely stands for "Take you for a ride" (Really annoying song for MvC2) So could this mean MvC2 rereleased on 360 arcade and PSN. Hope so!
  5. Abracadaver

    Disturbing moments in gaming.

    System Shock 2.....Space Monkeys *cry*
  6. Abracadaver

    Meet the new Balthier

    Thats the 2nd time I heard someone mention Phil Lamarr as a voice actor :wink:
  7. Abracadaver

    Mirror's Edge

    Thought the demo was tons of fun. Controls are pretty easy to get use to but will definitely take a while to master. I then destroyed all my excitement and slipped into depression as I watched the videos for MK vs DC universe :cry:
  8. Abracadaver

    Dead Space

    I thought the prequel comics present on xbl were a really cool way to introduce the game and got me interested. I'm probably going to rent the movie too after I beat the game.
  9. Abracadaver

    Resident Evil 5, say it ain't so!!

    I really miss the plain ol' zombies from the series and is it me or did Wesker turn into Neo?
  10. Abracadaver

    Nickarcade sucks ass

    Oh wow I completely forgot about Video power. That show was the SHIT and all those games and prizes that you get, I'd still try and get on a modern version of that! I never thought of the Nickarcade host as too much of jerk. If you watch some episode get the picture Mike O Malley is even...
  11. Abracadaver

    The *official* World of Warcraft topic.

    i just started back up again 2 more levels to 70 woooo!!! Anyone here play on Magtheridon?
  12. Abracadaver

    Do you have a girlfriend?

    yeah same here wife as well do they count :D
  13. Abracadaver


    Classic :D
  14. Abracadaver


    10 years is about right in my mind, anything about two system generations back.
  15. Abracadaver

    Who is better Duke_Ferris or maca2kx?

    I'm sure Maca is an excellent dude but Duke has influenced my outlook on games for many years. Long live Duke! (as well as trucks of women, beer, and cookies)
  16. Abracadaver

    When did Resident Evil series become 28 Days Later series?

    I just don't like how they aren't actually zombies just umm crazy infect people I guess. I find it way more intense when someone is trying to devour you alive than just maybe stab you with a knife/pitch fork.
  17. Abracadaver


    Yeah did not like that system at all I hope pray they never use it again
  18. Abracadaver


    Yeah I can see how people are paranoid about Bethseda, Oblivion was great but not as strong as the previous titles in the series, I think they they decided to do a bit of experimentation with their game layout (just my own thoughts not fact) and overall didn't work for the better. From what...
  19. Abracadaver


    Sweeet, I made a HtH character too :) Whats your opinion on Bethesda making Fallout3?
  20. Abracadaver

    Silent Hill 1 or Resident Evil 1?

    Love both but gunna have to go with RE