Search results

  1. jokerx81

    What is the first console you started your gaming out with?

    Sega Genisis- Sonic the Hedgehog
  2. jokerx81

    You NEED to see this

    their nuts.
  3. jokerx81

    Best introductory video games

    First person shooter-Halo- Easy to get in to and a good story Racing-Mario Kart 64-Still the best one. RPG-Super Mario RPG- Easy to learn and everone already knows the story.
  4. jokerx81

    Phrases you hate.

    making love ,bro,bromance,white kids using the N word as a term of hello. Shovel ready projects I hear it for my sisters friend all the time i,m ready to kill him for it nice to now there other assholes out there that use it.
  5. jokerx81

    Best Christmas gifts that you DIDN'T ask for

    left 4 dead 2 and $225 in gift cards didn't ask for them but my wife got them for me.
  6. jokerx81

    THIS or THAT

  7. jokerx81

    Australia bans Aliens Vs Predator

    It's just a game it's not real! I guess their parents didn't tell them that.
  8. jokerx81

    A list of some games ten dollars or less-Are they worth it?

    Unreal tourament 3 was good but viking was crap.
  9. jokerx81

    Songs you would like to see in rock band/guitar hero

    Anything from Our Lady Peace or Bif Naked and some Mini Bosses would be nice.
  10. jokerx81

    Gaming with your significant other

    I got my wife in to playing rock band and world tour.But its hard to get her to play the other games I like ive even rented some of the ones she wanted to try. She likes to watch me play some games so its sort of like playing together.  I also have a buddy who plays games with his GF and ...
  11. jokerx81

    Which mario game made a bigger impact in video game history?

    Mario 3 best and was the most fun with all the powers.
  12. jokerx81

    Green Lantern

    Ryan reynolds would be a perfect Guy Gardner but not Hal Jordan Nathan Fillion is perfect for him.
  13. jokerx81

    game series that i wish they would bring back

    Crimson skies that game was awsome I wish theyd make another.
  14. jokerx81

    what happened to the game revolution look!!?

    I hate the ign site and im starting to hate this one!
  15. jokerx81

    what happened to the game revolution look!!?

    Why change somthing that wasn't broken?
  16. jokerx81

    What classics are you currently playing?

    Red ring just claimed my 360 so I broke out the gamecube and played some mario cart and pikmen2. I forgot how addicting pikmen2 was ,mario party 7 is on for tonight.
  17. jokerx81

    What is your personal choice for game of the year?

    Game of the year has to be fallout 3 or Left 4 dead they finally made a good zombie game and its was great online
  18. jokerx81

    Most Dissapointing Game of the Year

    I am torn between 2 games dc vs mortal kombat and Too Human mortal kombat was so lame the powers and the fact that sub zero could beat superman Too human was just so much waiting and when it got here it was a sad story and it wasnt any fun to play