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  1. LinksOcarina

    Streaming Advice

    Hey guys, quick question for you all. I am looking into buying a capture card for streaming purposes, mainly for the my PS4 (priority) and Xbox 360 at the very least. I am currently running with a Laptop only, no PC, so it has to be an external capture card of some kind. My problem is I...
  2. LinksOcarina

    I have finally made it!

    Yahoo! It feels good to be on an aggregate site finally, it's almost as if i'm a professional games critic now. It feels good, man.
  3. LinksOcarina

    So i'm Kickstarting a book!

    An RPG book, to be exact, or at least, a splat book for alien races for a Sci-Fi setting called Myriad Song. Today the kickstarter has gone live, and I am doing my best to drum up promotion for it with the help of a friend of mine and his tabletop company, Sanguine Games. I basically pitched...
  4. LinksOcarina

    Ralph Baer has died

    92 years old, pretty much the inventor of the first video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey. He also invented Simon, and had over 150 patents. This is a sad day, if you ask me.
  5. LinksOcarina

    XP Fest, the Gaming Festival for all

    Hey guys, For the past month I have been helping a friend of mine put together a gaming convention, titled XP Fest. This is the spiritual successor to the VGFF con I went to in 2013, that my friend Jason Pullara put on. I did aVox Pop Blog about it here. It is a convention for video and...
  6. LinksOcarina

    Games You Never Heard Of, But Should Play

    I decided to go back into writing by actually starting a blog. Yeah it's on tumblr, but its at least somewhere I can link to now. The idea so far is games people may not have heard of, but should definitely play. Most of the games I will be listing I actually have played via emulator or I own...
  7. LinksOcarina

    Boardgaming for Charity

    Hey guys. The past couple of months I have been frequenting this hobby store near where I live, met some new people and played a ton of new board games that I enjoyed immensely. The place has a group that runs a podcast, titled Board Gamers Anonymous, and they are participating in a...
  8. LinksOcarina

    The f*** is up with all the hate?

    It's really bringing me down, how cynical and jaded most of the fanbase is lately. Every other week its a rallying cry of "fuck this company" or "fuck that game". What the hell happened to us? Are we so old and punchy now that were just like an ourboros eating its own tail in a hobby we like...
  9. LinksOcarina

    Poetry Time!

    Remember haiku fridays? Let's reenact some of that. Poems bitches! Write em. So heres an opening Haiku for you all. Dearest friends of old, a gift of words typed in bold new stories are told
  10. LinksOcarina

    Post Count Reset

    I just noticed it this morning I lost my huge ass post count. Not that it matters too much, but does that happen after you get to a certain number or something? It may be a glitch that may need to be fixed.
  11. LinksOcarina

    It is Here! The Fighter Character Battle 2012 Edition

    Seven its been that long already? Seven long years this tournament has existed, and since then we have been graced with eight winners of different stripes in the Fighter Character Battle. The best tournament on the internet is only going to get better, as we shall see. Last...
  12. LinksOcarina

    Dishonored [OT]

    So...what does everyone think. I must be honest, so far I am fairly impressed, but I have a few issues with the game as it stands, mainly the fact that the powers are fairly broken. The blink ability is so damn necessary in this game it kind of breaks up any semblance of stealth, or balance...
  13. LinksOcarina

    It Begins Soon...

    Are you ready?
  14. LinksOcarina

    Quirky Documentaries

    Watching this lovely documentary right now on why Paul McCartney has been dead since 1966. Conspiracy theory galore in this one to try and show why McCartney has been dead for years. Got to love random shit like that.
  15. LinksOcarina

    The Entitlement of Ignorance; in Defense of Jennifer Hepler

    Note that this is an editorial I have been writing for two days now to show support for Jennifer and Aaryn against what has essentially blown up in the faces of everyone around here. The Editorial can be read here if you so choose to, but some comments below about the debacle and an issue It...
  16. LinksOcarina

    The VGA Awards: A Junkies Fix

    I doubt these words will matter much in the small time-frame after the ending of the glitz and glamour the Spike VGA awards provides. The saccharine sweet ceremony is the triumph of what the gaming colossus has become; the vindication of being mainstream by making things mainstream, no matter...
  17. LinksOcarina

    Its time to get things started...

    Just saw the muppet movie. I am pleased, they did a real good job in recapturing the old magic a bit and did the job of making a very heartful and humerous movie. I say go see it. Damn good movie and we shouldn't let twilight be number one again...
  18. LinksOcarina

    No Longer Emergency Help.

    Hey guys. Short version basically: A friend of a friend had his car break down near Waynesville, North Carolina. He is currently getting it towed but has no where to go afterwards basically. I wanted to ask if anyone in the NC area, Waynesville and Asheville mainly, can offer assistance...
  19. LinksOcarina

    So I Lost My Job...

    and I am no longer teaching sadly. For the past few days I have been hitting the pavement and applying to tons of jobs, with no success at all so far. No call-backs, some places even saying I am not qualified for the position I went for (like Toys R. Us...which made me giggle) So yeah...who...
  20. LinksOcarina

    The Hurricanes a-coming

    So yeah....who got hit and was it that bad?