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  1. ohsostupid

    Damn TV's!

    Does the PS3 come with any SCART connectors? I know that many TVs will automatically switch to the SCART input when you turn the console on. You might want to try that before you resort to RF.
  2. ohsostupid

    Methinks he doth protest too much.

    Surely a joke?
  3. ohsostupid

    The Member Review Problem Returns...

    Yes that seems to have fixed the problem. Thankyou very much Navid and Duke! Best, Andy
  4. ohsostupid

    The Member Review Problem Returns...

    Cheers Duke!
  5. ohsostupid

    The Member Review Problem Returns...

    Hi guys, I've just written a member review for Dead Space and everything was fine after the first submit. However I went to make a small edit and when I submitted it again it was full of those rn things between the paragraphs. I seem to remember a lot of reviews getting these in the past...
  6. ohsostupid

    Best and Worst voice acting.

    The GTA series have had a consistently high quality of voice over work, and the supporting cast of the half-life series are exceedingly well done. The guy who played Andrew Ryan in Bioshock was also exceptional. The resident evil series stands out for me as some of the lowest points in...
  7. ohsostupid

    Why we should have replays in games

    Whilst I agree with you Sam, for the most part, I think there's something to be said for sharing your experiences verbally (or in this case in written form). There's something much nicer and more personal about being able to read just how the game made you feel and how much you appreciated...
  8. ohsostupid

    Won last month vox pop but....

    Blake, got mine through the post last week. Thanks for sorting it out!
  9. ohsostupid

    Won last month vox pop but....

    Nick I don't suppose you could look into a similar problem for me could you? I sent you a PM but I'm not convinced it sent properly. Basically I got an email from joe saying I'd won the Apollo Justice Competition, but I've yet to receive anything after giving Joe my address. I appreciate...
  10. ohsostupid

    Do you have an ipod?

    When you said that I had to find out just what the hell it was. My god, it looks fucking awesome. I would run over children and sell my own mother to get one of these things. I found a video of some guy unboxing it:
  11. ohsostupid

    Do you have an ipod?

    I had loads of other (and in retrospect, insuperior) MP3 players before my ipod. I first got an ipod nano, which was awesome, but then when my music selection started to exceed its capacity i upgraded to a 16Gb ipod touch. It was a mistake, really. The touch is the flashiest looking but the...
  12. ohsostupid

    Which game was the biggest let down?

    In recent memory? Assassin's Creed
  13. ohsostupid

    Most Frustrating Game

    Ikaruga. The most frustrating thing about it is how simple it is as a concept, but how FRIGGING HARD IT ACTUALLY IS!
  14. ohsostupid

    Most Hated Game Companies

    I always avoid anything by THQ or Midway
  15. ohsostupid

    Top 10 Most Terrifying Game Enemies

    That was hilarious. The only enemies that really scared me (and I know it's pretty cliched) were Nemesis and Alma from FEAR.
  16. ohsostupid

    Bioshock - The movie.

    I think that Bioshock would work better as a movie than it did as a game - the story and atmosphere were the best aspects, and the most likely aspects to be translated well to a film format. I think the film would work better if they kept the same story from the game.
  17. ohsostupid

    GTA controversies

    I regularly shop in that particular Gamestation (Hell, I even worked there for a stint). I think the fact that someone got stabbed there is not at all attributable to the game, but just to the fact that it took place in Croydon. Let's remember that London still has one of the highest levels...
  18. ohsostupid

    This is probably beating a dead horse

    /Agrees with Longo Although since Metacritic score your As as 100% giving it an A+ might break their site, which could at least be mildy amusing.
  19. ohsostupid

    FINALLY! Gameplay of GTA 4!

    Did you notice that he got a message from someone over Xbox live whilst he was playing. If that's not a review copy then someone's going to get in trouble :P!