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  1. bloodiedmirror

    Need Help Remembering a Game

    Space Station Silicon Valley maybe? ... con_valley
  2. bloodiedmirror

    How did you feel about the opening cinematics in FFX-2

    I was almost embarrassed to be playing it after the opening sequence. I still have yet to pick it back up and finish it, I know there's a good game underneath the whole Final Fantasy Barbie exterior, but haven't gotten there yet.
  3. bloodiedmirror

    What is the greatest horror game of all time?

    Have to agree with Silent Hill being the best, since I'm a big fan of the psychological horror stories. Fill in the blanks to freak yourself out. Though RE is great for those shock moments, I still remember when the Licker jumped through the two-way mirror in the interrogation room.
  4. bloodiedmirror

    Game Revolutions Top 100 games of all time

    Never had a Dreamcast and Shenmue was always a game I was bummed about missing.
  5. bloodiedmirror

    GR's top 100 games VOTING IS CLOSED

    NES 1. Super Mario Bros. 3 2. Duck Tales 3. Legend of Zelda SNES 1. Final Fantasy 3 2. Chrono Trigger 3. Secret of Mana Sega Genesis 1. World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck 2. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 3. Mortal Kombat Playstation 1. Suikoden 2 2...
  6. bloodiedmirror


    I saw that, and actually Kay Hagan is an Elder at her church and a Sunday school teacher, if that's godless then I'm more religious than I thought. The idea that holiness equals morality always bugs me. That people would think that because someone doesn't have faith (in their respective...
  7. bloodiedmirror


    Basically that pastors aren't performing a service that everyone requires or needs. I myself don't have the most favorable view of religion, just wasn't for me. I don't think there should be a law outlawing gay marriage, that's discriminatory. But we also should not have a law saying churches...
  8. bloodiedmirror

    Console (and Game) That Made You Become a Gamer

    It was Disney's Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. You went through different areas to collect keys to the Magic Kingdom. My favorite levels were the Pirates of the Carribean level and the Haunted Mansion. The Space Mountain level was annoying though.
  9. bloodiedmirror

    Console (and Game) That Made You Become a Gamer

    It was Ducktales on the NES as well for me, I loved that game and played it all the time. I also then became a huge Ninja Gaiden fan as well. Those two set the foundation. I was the set in for life after playing Final Fantasy 2 on the SNES.
  10. bloodiedmirror

    What was the last game you bought?

    The World Ends With You, and awaiting the time I'll have extra money to burn on some new ones.
  11. bloodiedmirror

    Songs You Want to See (Play) on GH/RB

    American's Steel "Every New Morning" would pry be on the first or second set list, but such a good riff.
  12. bloodiedmirror

    What is the first console you started your gaming out with?

    Oh yeah Lethean, it was quite the machine. Haha. I remember I used to love some of those games. I think we had 5 or 6 games for it.
  13. bloodiedmirror

    What is the first console you started your gaming out with?

    The Magnavox Odyssey2 was the first one I played in my household. Oh yeah Pick Axe Pete.