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  1. Ashalar

    What are ya playing?

    On Xbox One: Still trying to finish up the Watch_Dogs 2 campaign. On PS4: Just finished AC4 Black Flag, might go back into Destiny with my mates as a lead up to Destiny 2 this September. On PC: Still on Starcraft II Co-op, running mods for Sins of a Solar Empire (Armada 3 and Prophets). Also...
  2. Ashalar

    What are ya playing?

    Nope, not through the game itself unfortunately, although it should be. Follow the link below to all episodes of the game, install notes are on that page as well. Just follow the steps and you will be playing in no time at all. ... ages/main/
  3. Ashalar

    What are ya playing?

    Skyrim is a time-sink. AC2:R... meh, didn't enjoy it as much as I did the previous installments.
  4. Ashalar

    What are ya playing?

    I'm currently playing a mod for Starcraft II, which is non other than the original Starcraft and the Brood War campaigns on the new engine. The creators did a damn fine job converting units, buildings, sounds etc to the new format. And the third person shooter take on certain missions is fun...
  5. Ashalar

    What are ya playing?

    Just Longo being Longo I guess. Still, to each his own.
  6. Ashalar

    What are ya playing?

    Currently I'm playing Heart of the Swarm on Hard mode. Is it just me, or was Wings of Liberty much harder? I'm blasting through HotS at the moment. Already finished BioShock Infinite, last weekend to be exact. It has been a long while since I sat through the whole singleplayer experience...
  7. Ashalar

    NES or SNES?

    And it worked with Game Boy color games, making Pokemon Yellow even sweeter.
  8. Ashalar

    What Are You Playing - Retro Edition!

    I tried my hand at it a few months ago. It was much harder than I remembered. The music is quite good for its era.
  9. Ashalar

    NES or SNES?

    Toejam & Earl... loved those. Panic on Funkotron is still an all time favorite. NES or SNES... tough question to answer. While the SNES library is impressive, the NES has more than a few gems which redeem the older system. The capcom library was pretty awesome, be it the Megaman series or the...
  10. Ashalar

    Super Mario Land

    To be fair, Tatanga can be quite infuriating, his erratic movent, the fast flying blasts (which split!) and the annoying music/sound during that last fight make it a bit hectic. Downside was as well that the cloud boss that preceeds Tatanga needs to be killed again when you die at the final...
  11. Ashalar

    snow squalls are like booty calls

    @Icepick: your joke reminds me of the following ones: Q: Why does an Ethiopian sit beneath a clothes line? A: To catch some shade. Q: What is an Ethiopian with a baseball cap on? A: A thumbtack.
  12. Ashalar

    Happy new year

    So, what was jail time for?
  13. Ashalar

    Laugh Track Skyrim

    :yawn3: That joke was old back in 2011..
  14. Ashalar

    Game Revolution's top 10 movies of 2011

    I haven't seen any of these. Although I did play the Super 8 interactive trailer that came with Portal 2. And I saw the horrible mockbuster version of Battle L.A. (Battle of Los Angelesl) on SyFy.
  15. Ashalar

    Can we get a Zombies game like this?

  16. Ashalar

    The Hobbit Trailer

    You don't understand. That guy isn't out on the street holding a sign, the streets are out there with him!
  17. Ashalar


    Multiplayer prevents me for getting a 100% achievement rating in many games. I can't be arsed to get the highest rank on Battlefield, Call of Duty and Halo. I simply don't have 100+ hours per game. By the time I even get to a decent rank, the sequels hit the market, prompting me to start all...
  18. Ashalar

    Why are there no Jews in any game?

    Jews in videogames, Steam running statistics in the background. Yeah... that will will end up with a lot of unfortunate implications and another black mark against video games. Just because.
  19. Ashalar


    Well, consider it my introduction into the series then. There's bound to be a bundle on Steam somewhere for Thief, I should really look into it. From what I've heard, Thief is basically the granddaddy of the genre, introducting many elements which we now take for granted.
  20. Ashalar


    @ MattaY: That sounds so familiar, it honestly does. My biggest mistake ever was to play Just Cause 2 on normal instead of the highest difficulty. Now I miss out on one measily achievement! And as a completionist, that means that I would want to destroy as much as I can all over again, a...