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  1. ZankerH

    Shoes off or on?

    Haha, this.
  2. ZankerH

    Shoes off or on?

    The basic etiquette here is to wear slippers in the home. The host is also expected to provide slippers for guests. That said, my current apartment has floor heating, so I'm not wearing anything on my feet unless I have guests over. I also wash my feet before I leave and when I arrive home...
  3. ZankerH

    Kojima Productions revealing something to us in 3 days?

    This. And, am I the only one who prefers the MGS2 androgynous-childhood-abuse-history Raiden rather than the the MGS4 killer-ninja-leave-vamp-to-me tough guy? They took a realistic and likeable character and turned him into the classic video game tough guy cliche.
  4. ZankerH

    FFXIII may be Eng only on 360;PS3 to have Eng & Japanese

    A lot of us Europeans watched English movies with subtitles before we understood a word of the language, so we're kinda used to this. It has a lot to do with the quality of the dub, but omitting Japanese audio altogether does seem kinda extreme. I played Valkyria Chronicles with the Japanese...
  5. ZankerH

    I'm a no-life!

    No. I don't think that's physically possible.
  6. ZankerH

    I'm a no-life!

    100% finished GTA San Andreas, finished MGS2 and MGS3 on extreme (fuck you European Extreme, fuck you), spent like 180 hours playing oblivion. I just lost that amount of dedication (and free time to play games) recently, so yeah. I'm currently (still) working my way through the MGS4 emblems...
  7. ZankerH

    Raptr: What are you playing?

    Where did I mention an "adoring public"? In fact, where did I mention, with a single word, the origin of those messages? Or is admitting you have actual friends some kind of taboo in here?
  8. ZankerH

    Raptr: What are you playing?

    I'm sorry, what? I can't possibly be the only one annoyed by the constant stream of "this guy is inviting you to join this-and-this site!" mails.
  9. ZankerH

    Raptr: What are you playing?

    Thanks for the heads up, I'm wondering how long before people start nagging me to join this.
  10. ZankerH

    GR countdown: Top 100 Heroes and Villains of all time

    You're implying you haven't yet? BURN THE HERETIC! :lol:
  11. ZankerH

    GR countdown: Top 100 Heroes and Villains of all time

    I don't see how this is fun. The subject itself has some merit, however, the manner in which the statistics were collected, as well as the manner in which they're being presented, renders it illogical and irrelevant.
  12. ZankerH

    GR countdown: Top 100 Heroes and Villains of all time

    What is it with these 1-100 mechanical threads? Can't people think for themselves? Or is it somehow gratifying that more people who participated in the shouting match of a nomination think the way you do?
  13. ZankerH

    What is better God of War, Halo, Half Life or Gears of War.

    None - null vote. A hypothetical reality in which I cared about one of those games to the level where I preferred it over the others is too distant for me to accurately visualise, so the "just pick one" mantra doesn't apply either. TL;DR retarded poll is retarded.
  14. ZankerH

    Your artistic endeavours

    My highest artistic achievement are the elaborate piss patterns in the snow.
  15. ZankerH

    I just don't know anymore...

    If you want innovative concepts on their own, play free/Free indie games (protip: the likelihood of a free game being awesome increases with the age and elitism of it's community. If you're not welcomed by an RTFM and condemned to a LART, reconsider your choice). If you want polished innovative...
  16. ZankerH

    Game Revolutions Top 100 games of all time

    And I've stated my reasoning clearly - this is nothing but an arbitrary, quantity-over-quality categorisation without a single rule about the criteria on which games are rated - for all we know, half of the people who voted might have rated them based on how boring they were, and the other half...
  17. ZankerH

    Game Revolutions Top 100 games of all time

    Assuming Eve Online doesn't show up on the rest of the list (in front of wow, that is), I'd just like to say this regarding your scoring system - Quantity above quality.
  18. ZankerH

    Game Revolutions Top 100 games of all time

    Counter-Strike on a console? :?
  19. ZankerH

    What is your personal choice for game of the year?

    Meh, sins was great, but I guess I've simply set my expectations too-high. I was hoping for a galaxy-wide grand strategy and a decent sci-fi story, but instead it turned out to be a Starcraft*-like "my micro beats your superior strategy, defeat in 30 seconds" with the pace somewhat slower. Also...
  20. ZankerH

    Peace Enforcement

    Nor have I ever claimed the contrary. In fact, if I believed I was always right, I wouldn't even bother debating, since, from my point of view, it would render the act of the exchange of the arguments wholly irrelevant if I know the absolute thruth. This sentence includes two proposals...