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  1. white-noise

    hey guys

    hee hee, this place hasn't changed, good to see the awesome ppl are still awesome
  2. white-noise

    Darth vader will say NO... again

    i kinda liked indiana jones 4. I don't like Shia LeBouf but it was still fun and entertaining just like the trilogy. But they're talking about doing a 5th one I think? I dunno about that. I guess it's just too much to ask for Lucas to come up with an original idea instead of milking star wars...
  3. white-noise

    Post Yur Pics TOPIC (Long Live the legacy)

    lol you nut i don't hate men. I was just upset. It was kinda funny though how defensive everyone got as if it was a personal attack, like jeez! haha
  4. white-noise

    Post Yur Pics TOPIC (Long Live the legacy)

    yeah yeah, stop trying to show off! :P my bff and i surviving the great hurricane of '11 i'm on the right
  5. white-noise

    hey guys

    haha thank you Chris and Used, glad to see you two!!! :D
  6. white-noise

    What are you listening to...again?

    Lots of great songs here, far too many to look through the whole thread. I'm listening to Hot Sauce Committee part 2 by the Beastie Boys
  7. white-noise

    hey guys

    those who remember me might recall my last thread where i talked about how stupid men were... on a forum full of guys... :oops: but i was upset and everyone needs to vent now and then right? how's everyone doing?
  8. white-noise

    What are ya playing?

    3D dot game heroes. lots of fun so far! It'd be better through if it was a Zelda game.
  9. white-noise

    Tis the season to watch TV fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la :)
  10. white-noise

    Ten favorite movies of the year?

    1 Inception 2. Kick Ass 3. Scott Pilgrim vs the world 4. Toy Story 3 5. Iron Man 2 6. Due Date 7. The Other Guys 8. How to Train Your Dragon 9. The Karate Kid 10. ummmmmmmmmmm, Harry Potter?
  11. white-noise

    why are guys such jerks?

    thanks guys. don't take the title of the thread so personally, i just needed to vent. and no i don't normally date jerk-offs, besides him asking me to fufill his fantasy of havign a 3some he was a nice guy, or so i thought.
  12. white-noise

    why are guys such jerks?

    hell no i'm not with him no more but it still sucks.
  13. white-noise

    why are guys such jerks?

    this guy i was with kept wanting me to have a 3some and i told him i'm not down with that. then i catch him cheating on me and he has the balls to say it's my fault and if i just agreed to a 3some he wouldn't have slept with her. do guys care about anything else besides sex?
  14. white-noise

    why are guys such jerks?

    what is it about men that make them act like heartless jerks?
  15. white-noise


    Seriously! Plus there's like a ka-jillion other characters i wanna see. I hope this game has around 50 characters cuz i can think of 25 from each side that i'd want.
  16. white-noise


    Frank West, Jill Valentine and Guile are a must for Capcom. Gambit, Human Torch and Punisher are a must for Marvel!
  17. white-noise

    The Social Network

    Good movie. I thought it was going to focus more on the privacy controversy but instead it was a story about betrayal.
  18. white-noise

    Anyone else here eat healthy?

    I went veg last winter, but then spring came and it was bbq season and well, how can you say no to bbq season?
  19. white-noise

    Are you afraid of heights?

    I used to be crazy afriad of heights but i slowly got over my fears. First at the cn tower in toronto, then at the sears tower in chicago.
  20. white-noise

    KFC has reached a new low

    ^ Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww the skinwich is fake but seeing how kfc is always coming up with creative ways to kill ppl it's no wonder everyone thought it was real