Search results

  1. KevinS

    Gambling games?

    Anybody have a favorite classic gambling game? My latest RR covers a handful of casino games (posted here) and I wanted to know any loved games I might have missed. I'm personally partial to the Game Boy incarnation of Caesar's Palace, just a fun pick-up-and-play round of blackjack and...
  2. KevinS

    What Are You Playing - Retro Edition!

    I figured this might be something to keep people interested in posting in the classic forum, just let us all know what you're playing! If you're just now getting into some old RPG, or you've re-discovered an old favorite, be sure to let your fellow Revolutionaries hear about it! Me, I've...
  3. KevinS

    New/Classic Throwbacks

    Just thought I'd pose the question, what are your favorite NEW retro-style games? I'm always looking for new 8-bit-ish masterpieces, which makes me partial to stuff like Retro Game Challenge (and the JP sequel, "Gamecenter CX: Arino no Chousenjou 2"). Any preferences and recommendations...