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  1. Gunner37

    Going Overseas

    So me and a few friends are starting to plan a trip to Japan within the next 2 years was wondering if you guys had ideas or previous experience with what to do and not to do. We want to do this trip since we have all just graduated college with degrees in engineering and we always talked about...
  2. Gunner37


    You know what I'm really sick of is when people don't even socialize in person anymore its all online and with their phones. I see this a lot in college with people eating dinner with friends or significant others its really pathetic. For instance I took this girl on a date and we were having a...
  3. Gunner37


    So my family and my moms side of the family are going to Ventura, California to visit one of my cousins who works out there and I was asking all you Californians is there anything special that I should be visiting?
  4. Gunner37

    Nordic Games??

    So does anyone know who these people are because I hope they can do the darksiders series justice and not screw it up
  5. Gunner37

    Decisions Decisions...

    So I need someone talk me into which game I should buy because I want all of them but can only afford one so which one of these should i get and why? Assassins Creed 3, Borderlands 2, or Dishonored.
  6. Gunner37

    Have You Ever

    Well since I'm bored and drunk on my birfday, since everyone passed out and i remain as the most awesome of these fools, I shall ask of GR have you ever done hilarious stuff to passed out freineds whenever this hasppens???
  7. Gunner37

    Dinner For One

    Well me and my girlfriend just broke up after a year and a half of dating and the reason why she said and I quote "I think we are going apart". I'm sitting here dumbfounded because I truly love this girl and was thinking of popping the question but I guess no diamonds for her. She just goes on...
  8. Gunner37


    So is taking their finals this week, mine are this week and I already want to shoot myself from my math final.
  9. Gunner37

    I'm Bored

    I'm bored so new topic time... anyways I'm sure we have already done this at some point in time but who cares. You gotta answer the question and post a "Have you ever" question after it. Or a general question whatever works I guess Have you ever been walked in on by your parents/grandparents...
  10. Gunner37

    Those Crazy Mayans

    So since a lot of people believe this mayan calendar bull-crap the question is if it is how will you be spending it? Normal or balls to the wall crazy.
  11. Gunner37

    Money Woes

    The only year i'm running low on money would all of these awesome games come out at the same freaking time. I love how all these good games are coming out but i would love it to be a little more spaced apart so what money trials have you guys faced with this many games coming out
  12. Gunner37

    Was wandering around youtube and found this Gotta admit it was awesome being reminded of childhood not to mention one of my favorite halloween movies
  13. Gunner37

    Another Year Past

    So i turned 20 today and realized that the two least important birthdays are your 19th and 20th birthdays because nothing affects your age until 21 but i did/am celebrating it non the less so happy birthday to myself with a nice ice cream cake from my girlfriend. After we got home from going out...
  14. Gunner37

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

    So what do guys think about it. I don't know if I will buy it yet haven't heard much about it yet
  15. Gunner37


    So what do you guys think of this game good or bad i personally loved it just finished it yesterday and the ending i thought was pretty sick
  16. Gunner37

    Avatar question

    I was wondering how do some people have names under or below their avatars like i know Rakon's is shadow chimp or something like that i was just wonderin how would you do that