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  1. Sodbuster

    Current vs Future Life

    Definitely option 2. I want to be able to do whatever I want, which would require there to be many less people in my way.
  2. Sodbuster

    Game worlds you would actually want to live in.

    Well, the game is now defunct, but the world they made was pretty cool... yeah, Auto Assault. It would be fun cruising around in my red 'vette (with machine guns and missile launchers of course), hitting massive jumps, blowing up everything I see, and building new and better weapons and...
  3. Sodbuster

    How about a game about gladiators?

    Yeah go for Gladius for the Playstation 2 and possibly other systems from that generation. The basic premise is that you're running a team of Gladiators that competes in turn-based arena combat in a gigantic tournament. You recruit gladiators and can really mix and match a lot, there are many...
  4. Sodbuster

    Your artistic endeavours

    It looks great man! Really, good job. I'd like to see the whole comic.
  5. Sodbuster


    Sorry for taking so long to tell you that Yes it was Tecmo's Deception. Anybody feel like reviving the thread?
  6. Sodbuster

    The Game that Got You Into Gaming

    I remember getting an Atari back when I was around 3 years old. My mom would take us down to the Salvation Army and we'd root through their $0.50 gaming collection. Donkey Kong, Wizard of Wor, Pitfall, Hero, E.T., a couple Star Wars games, we ended up with quite a few. I still have that Atari...
  7. Sodbuster


    Well, I haven't guessed one, but I really wanted to post this one. It's a PSX game in which you're killed, resurrected by a demonl, and forced to lure innocent people into your mansion and kill them, or trap them and sacrifice them. You also are looking for artifacts to set the demon free...
  8. Sodbuster

    Your artistic endeavours

    Here's my Electric Ninja Star. I did not use any filters, although I love using 'em. Glowing edges is sweet, and liquefy is fun too. It's not finished yet...
  9. Sodbuster

    Your artistic endeavours

    Nice! I love Secret of Mana, and the picture you made looks like an older version of the main character.
  10. Sodbuster

    Most Dissapointing Game of the Year

    The only game I bought in 2008 that I was pretty disappointed with was Mercenaries 2. It can be fun, but usually it's just annoying. The first one is definitely much better. Also, they made Nielson into a badass dumbass, which just pisses me off. The game itself is unpolished and buggy, with...
  11. Sodbuster

    When exactly did critics go soft?

    You have to consider the reviewer though. Most of the time, a person who professionally reviews a game is a fan of the genre, and reviews it consistently. They like games that bring in a new concept or play mechanic more then games that are just rehashes, even if they're equally fun, whereas...
  12. Sodbuster

    Your artistic endeavours

    That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Well, at least today anyways. I love the car AC controls on the Bread Gun.
  13. Sodbuster

    New "Terminator Salvation" trailers.

    Yeah I'm kind of nervously excited about both the new Terminator movie as well as the new Star Trek movie. The new Star Trek one could be really, really bad. I don't recognize any of the actors for one thing. I also don't trust Hollywood to stay true to the source material. The new...
  14. Sodbuster

    Your artistic endeavours

    Those are sweet Obsoleet. Is that the same woman in both pictures? It's hard to tell.
  15. Sodbuster

    Post Your Pics: The Official Topic

    Sweet a dart board! Oh, and the haircut is nice too.
  16. Sodbuster

    Your artistic endeavours

    Here's a few of my best photos from 2008! [/img] [/img] [/IMG][/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] I'm really happy with how these turned out. The lightning ones especially, as those were pretty tough to get. I had to stand outside in chilly, windy weather, hold my camera as still...
  17. Sodbuster

    Canadian Political "crisis"

    Wow. I live like right across the border from Canada, and I've never heard of any of those people or anything about this issue until now. What's funny is we have to wait until the 20th of January to get rid of our Conservative, devious, dubious, war-mongering, partisan, and completely hated...
  18. Sodbuster

    Where should I move?

    I see 19 votes for Florida, and 6 for Alabama. I'd say you've already got your mind made up. Go be with your hot babe. Just make sure you clean up after yourself, as much as she does after herself or more. And don't let her catch you jerking off, unless you think she'd get turned on. Other...
  19. Sodbuster

    Favorite Female Sports Reporter

    All males are chauvinistic to some degree. Some of us show it more than others, like me. Is there a word for females that's equivalent? If so, all females are that to some degree too. It's all about how you were brought up, whether you turn out racist, sexist, or all the 'ists. On topic...
  20. Sodbuster

    Fallout 3, PC over rest???

    Well, an update. I bought it, I've installed it and played about 6 hours worth. I'm playing on low/medium settings with the draw distance turned all the way up. The game looks good. Good graphics, sound, the music is OK and moody, and the radio stations are fun, although a bit repetitive...