Search results

  1. Krowsnose

    Dedicated to all the real O.G.s!

    Which Drunken Master do you prefer? The 1978 original or "The Legend of Drunken Master" from 1994? I am obsessed with both but the original is where the magic is for me. Jackie is the best and I want to make intimate love with him right now, no homo.
  2. Krowsnose

    If you appreciate good music...

    Then I present to you R.A.E.D.!!!!! Straight from the grimy streets of Melbourne Australia. And just when I thought Autotune couldn't sound any better... ... _embedded#!
  3. Krowsnose

    Cheat codes :D

    It's so weird to hear someone looking up cheats for games these days mainly because it brings up memories from my child hood. I remember around the time I got my n64 was when I realized such a thing existed. I used to beat my dick over some cheat codes back then. I remember renting games from...
  4. Krowsnose


    fuck all the ads on this site, that vibrating phone fucks with my nerves every single time. MAKE IT STOP I HATE ADS.
  5. Krowsnose

    nvm, delete

    woops wrong forum :P
  6. Krowsnose

    Arg! Why cant i upload my avatar?

    every time i attempt to upload i get this error "Warning: copy(/usr/local/bolt/ [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/bolt/ on line 510...