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  1. Warlock

    Next episode: Previously on "Insert story here"

    Prequels really annoy me, whether it's games or movies. Sure they're good once in a while but that's just it, not too often. You're accustomed to the protagonist in the game/movie and right after that bam! You get the story of what actually happened before said storyline. Let's say you've...
  2. Warlock

    Society as we know it

    I was going through the news when I cam across these two articles 1. 2. 1-So we've heard of teenage pregnancy but c'mon..are you f***ing kidding me?! Seriously that...
  3. Warlock

    FPS needs a makeover :P

    I was playing Fallout 3 recently and wow! XD RPG and FPS together?! It's a dream come true *sniff* but what if developers started adding RPG elements to games like Doom, Quake etc. ? From my point of view making your own weapons from scrap and looting enemies with the FPS action would be a plus...