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  1. C_nate

    The GRolympics 2016: LEAGUE FINISHED!! WHAT NEXT?!

    Who? Lil 'ol me?....... Don't get too nervous, my Sonic game is pretty weak. I flew through the level like I used to, forgetting that the objective this time around was high scores and not speed. Whoops.
  2. C_nate

    The GRolympics 2016: LEAGUE FINISHED!! WHAT NEXT?!

    I'm by no means an expert, but I do have a bit of a soft spot for Tetris. Pretty decent for my first attempt using a keyboard.
  3. C_nate

    Defendant Rick and Judge Morty

    That was amazing.
  4. C_nate

    Pokemon GO

    Tried it again this weekend, took the kids out and let them find stuff while I made sure they didn't wander into traffic. They found a pikachu and nearly lost their shit so it was a good day. Game seemed more stable this time around, looking forward to using it more.
  5. C_nate

    Pokemon GO

    I've been trying to use it with my son, but it has kinda been a little iffy. Trying to set up an account was a headache since there were a bunch of server issues, and now that we got it up and running, there have been instances where that game will start but when you walk, your character doesn't...
  6. C_nate

    Movies you love (that you probably shouldn't)

    Kung Pow: Enter the Fist It's beyond absurd, but I think that's why I like it so much.
  7. C_nate

    A Moon Shaped Pool

    I wanted to take some time before I responded to this one. I been listening to radiohead for a long time and they are one of the few groups who I will just buy anything they put out without me needing to hear a single first. I'm pretty much in agreement with you, WL. I think in rainbows was...
  8. C_nate

    What do you do next?

    Just wondering how people respond to certain situations. This is something that happened on my home from work this morning. I'll write down how mine played out below in white. Highlight it to read what a horrible person I am. It's a quarter to 7 am, you are near the end of your drive home...
  9. C_nate

    MATTay you wanker

    The old high hat...
  10. C_nate

    Rogue One

    I don't know anything about the extended star wars universe stuff. On one hand I could see why you would want to branch out and explore all this other stuff going on, but on the other hand, is it something that the general movie going audience that also doesn't follow all the stuff going on in...
  11. C_nate

    Overwatch: Butt Pose

    What's really funny is that you could make the argument that the new pose is more sexualized than the old one.
  12. C_nate

    FORCE AWAKENS movie club (unmarked spoilers)

    So this just came out on blu-ray yesterday so I finally got around to watching this. (I have a pretty decent home theater set-up so I don't go out to the movies much anymore.) Overall, I liked the film, but I did have some issues with it. Right off the bat, I was impressed with the...
  13. C_nate

    Overwatch: Butt Pose

    I agree that by even addressing the original complaint, blizzard opened up a can of worms, especially in the way that they did it, and only made worse by the way they tried to backtrack and say that it had nothing to do with anything other than them not liking the pose. It just looked bad...
  14. C_nate

    Overwatch: Butt Pose

    I still don't understand what all the controversy is about. I don't see how someone can look at that and find it sexual or objectifying. It is literally just someone looking over their shoulder. I've seen the argument that she is "presenting" which I also find equally absurd. If this was...
  15. C_nate

    Your best and worst super heroes

    There are a bunch a like, but if I had to narrow it down and pick just one, I would go with the Hulk. He just wants to be left alone, but that never happens so he winds up wrecking shit. I also find him to be an interesting character because he is such a destructive force that even his allies...
  16. C_nate

    I have a very important announcement to make

    Oh, I was thinking it was going to be something different. I guess I'll just return this then...
  17. C_nate

    The terrorists actually won

    It's pretty sad and only made worse that this younger social media generation coming up hardly cares about privacy anyway so I doubt there will be much of a fuss made over this when there are far more important issues to deal with like making sure facebook has enough gender selections to choose...
  18. C_nate

    Fallout 4

    So there was an update that was mostly bug fixes, but then I noticed that my previously perfect 50/50 achievement list now reads 50/55 and I have no idea what they are or how to get them.
  19. C_nate

    Therapy - has anyone tried it (personal question)?

    A lot of people are not good with confrontation so it's not unusual to hear about having anxiety from having to deal with unpleasant conversations. I think a lot of that comes from not being able to react and respond to it as you might naturally want to. Like you said about the boss chewing you...