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  1. MonkeyPox

    Dragon Age is kicking my ass

    it doesn't help battle duration that every NPC warrior class blows, Sten being the worse. But i don't know what else to say because I never had any trouble on normal.
  2. MonkeyPox

    My beef on vegans

    In the Vegan vs meat eaters debate I always side with the meat eaters. Not because it is the healthier choice ( Both can be healthy with proper nutrition) but because of a lot of vegans "holier then thou/ smells their farts in a wine glass" attitude about their diet. Yeah I know meat eaters...
  3. MonkeyPox

    Dragon Age is kicking my ass

    Well its actually easier to head either for Shale or the Mage tower first. That might be part of it to.
  4. MonkeyPox

    What is the first console you started your gaming out with?

    I would say a mixture of Sega CD and N64
  5. MonkeyPox

    Dragon Age: Awakening

    Oh I always got him second after Wynne. The banter between him, Alistair, and Wynne are priceless. Little Pike Twirler is a classic
  6. MonkeyPox

    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled...

    Seeing that NBC lost its ass hosting the winter Olympics this year. The committee might just consider pole dancing so national tv stations will even show it again on TV.
  7. MonkeyPox

    The Board of Education, Dictating What They Want

    It is also a parents problem. I have heard of numerous teachers claim parents don't do or know anything about the education their children get. To them is a free babysitter and when the babysitter gives their "perfect" child a bad bad they bitch up a storm. So what the US education system...
  8. MonkeyPox

    Dragon Age: Awakening

    Everyone seems to be ragging on Oghren. Did I miss something because he had the most memorable quotes in all of DA:O.
  9. MonkeyPox

    The Board of Education, Dictating What They Want

    US education is already poo so why the hell not. Next the Texans will want to teach that Jesus rode in on a raptor to save Ted Haggard from homosexuality and the demonic Richard Dawkins.
  10. MonkeyPox

    The Whole Infinity Ward Fiasco

    I think it is obvious that IW heads disagreed with the Activision Board of Directors ( most likely along the lines of make one COD every year because it increases stock value and NO IW likes quality) and then Activision proceeded to Javelin glitched their asses out on to the streets. And...
  11. MonkeyPox

    Bethesda or Bioware

    I'm with Bioware on this one
  12. MonkeyPox

    Health care (not political)

    No they were the same drug. I just worded it poorly.
  13. MonkeyPox

    Health care (not political)

    Especially when one chemo session is 45,000 dollars now. It easy to see how someone without insurance would say fuck it and very well die instead. Which is sad when the same drugs and treatment for cancer ten years ago only cost 5,000 dollars a session. I don't know how the same drugs and...
  14. MonkeyPox

    Health care (not political)

    They never discuss price because if they told you, most people would say F that and leave. Thus the hospital only gets 500 dollars for your 10 minute visit instead of 3000 + dollars for your treatment with 35 cent pills. That is just bad for business.
  15. MonkeyPox

    Mass Effect 2

    He is no reaper, he is just a terra firma with $$$$.
  16. MonkeyPox

    Speed Dating

    Dress like a doctor, women love that.
  17. MonkeyPox

    So how about them Saints?

    Ironic that it was the most watched super bowl and I refused to watch it b/c of the saints.
  18. MonkeyPox

    GR: Dragon Age Origins: Awakening Screenshots

    At least they didn't have a picture when one of the mages is casting an area effect spell like blizzard with their hands in the air like they just don't care.
  19. MonkeyPox

    Conan O'Brien Signs TV Contract with FOX!!!!

    Masturbating Bear FOREVER!!!!
  20. MonkeyPox

    lol this is not detroit

    I'm with the colts b/c even after 5 turnovers the saints only bet the vikes by 3 points in OT. That is with several questionable penalties doing the Saints a huge favor as well. That pass interference in OT was Bullshit!!!!!!!!!