Search results

  1. Anthony_Severino

    Vote For Your Favorite Final Fantasy game

    I'll go with Final Fantasy VI, although it's a tight call with FF Tactics on the list. I probably invested more time into FF Tactics over the years, but FFVI remains my favorite due to the cast of characters, the time in my life when I first played it (I was filled with such wonder), and the...
  2. Anthony_Severino

    Describe Your Favorite Game in 10 Words or Less

    Mortal Kombat, once I saw Kano rip someone's heart out.
  3. Anthony_Severino

    Ads are causing the site to crash

    So, Wicked - you're in CA? I tried replicating to figure out what ad is causing the crash, but I must not be able to view the Canada geo-targeted ads. By any chance can you see what ad is causing the issue? I can definitely get this sorted if I can track down the culprit. ...a Mexican...
  4. Anthony_Severino


    Randomly chose two winners here, De-Ting, and Longo. Guys - PM me and I'll shoot you over some PSN codes. Thanks everyone for the help!
  5. Anthony_Severino


    Thank you for all of the responses thus far! This isn't as much about driving traffic or adding these people to regular GR features and content, but more about aligning with them during events or other larger opportunities as a way to reach a broader audience. If the influencer themselves...
  6. Anthony_Severino


    Hey everyone - Hope you don't mind that I'm essentially posting this for the sake of research. But knowing the answers you give me come direct from the GameRev community make the information that much more valuable. Essentially, I'm wondering if you guys could recommend or suggest...
  7. Anthony_Severino

    GameRevolution at E3 and Twitter Interaction

    Da fuq is a Gaming Ruby News? We had this first, so they can fuck off :) We'll swarm them out of the Twitter feed. Thanks for the heads up - glad you guys like this idea.
  8. Anthony_Severino

    GameRevolution at E3 and Twitter Interaction

    Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that we'll be embedding a custom Twitter widget into our press conference posts and in other incredibly clever ways throughout the week of E3. We're doing this in place of a live blog. If you're on Twitter, I'd like to invite you all to join in on the...
  9. Anthony_Severino

    GR Competitors

    Video is going to be more of a focus in next year's strategy. That said, I like this idea and will explore it.
  10. Anthony_Severino

    GR Competitors

    I'm glad you liked the Grind. It went on to win a bunch of awards. I'm dying to start up another season of it, but it cost a fortune to produce, so we'd need a sponsor on board before we could commit. Definitely looking into producing more of them.
  11. Anthony_Severino

    GR Competitors

    Great questions - I'd have to say that in terms of traffic, we even view Polygon as a competitor, because they're not that much more than us despite millions being thrown at it. In terms of content, I feel like Destructoid and GameRanx are competitors to us. But for the most part, we see all...
  12. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    I sure do. ;)
  13. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    You're showing as UghRochester when I read your comments. Maybe I misunderstood you? Where did it say Howard Hall?
  14. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    Try logging out completely, then re-signing back in with your GR account UghRochester. IT could be a cookie thing, because that's supposed to be option. Your Facebook cookies or Disqus cookie may be more delicious than GR's, putting your Howard Hall name first over Ugh. That, or check your...
  15. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    Ah, I did not know that. I better stop thumbs upping myself to bolster my already massive ego, then.
  16. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    You should have seen us when we moved out of the old GR office. Daniel and I carried out full desks like nothing. We're fucking beasts.
  17. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    They're kinda heavy, but I have been working out. So I *should* be able to carry at least some of them over.
  18. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    Oh crap, you mean that wasn't supposed to happen?
  19. Anthony_Severino

    Article comments

    Just following up - Disqus is coming this week. We're merging GameRevolution's account system with it, so you'll be able to log in with your GR account still should you choose, or you can elect to log in with a Disqus account, Facebook, Twitter, etc. You'll be able to favorite and follow each...
  20. Anthony_Severino

    Candy Crush Saga! - Play NOW!

    We're looking into this now. Nothing should pop up every page view. Sorry about this guys. I know all too well how annoying Candy Crush Saga invites can be.