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  1. D

    My thoughts as in why I should be your gaming "Ambassad

    Sorry, was basically typing free-style. It was late last night I think around 4am when i posted this. Just decided that it would be out of pure thought straight into words without editing. When I have the time i'll see if i can make it look a bit better.
  2. D

    My thoughts as in why I should be your gaming "Ambassad

    Hahahahaha Naw Dude. I said I'm from FL. Been here all ma life
  3. D

    My thoughts as in why I should be your gaming "Ambassad

    Hey there gaming community, My name is Glen. Gaming Alias is Z3R0. I've been a gamer since the days of Nintedo. My very first game that I played & beat on that system was Mega Man 2. Good times man, good times. Seeing as our games have evolved & become more diverse & unique I, still...