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  1. Noritama

    What are ya playing?

    Dota 2. I was tired of shit with the game but after going to TI4 I can't stop I CANT STOP I CANT STOP
  2. Noritama

    Wanna review for GameRevolution?

    What do we have here. @.@!
  3. Noritama

    5+ year old games you are replaying.

    All I remember about that game was the silly combos you could do
  4. Noritama

    What are ya playing?

    Actually once I got passed the train station I just said fuck it on being stealthy. You get the ol' Brick & Shotgun and you can pretty much dominate the whole game.
  5. Noritama

    What are ya playing?

    Thats why I play Dota all the time. Plus one of my favorite heroes is named queen of pain. Just saying ;/
  6. Noritama

    What are ya playing?

    Still playing last of us started on hard. It's not that hard :( wish It would punish me more :(
  7. Noritama

    The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

    First Day BUy
  8. Noritama


    Talisman is an amazing game to play also Last night On Earth is pretty fun to. If you have a decent sized group and some money to spare you could invest in Mordehiem. It's a fun league game you can do with your friends. Don't need to buy any rule books or anything but you need to buy your...
  9. Noritama

    Best opening levels

  10. Noritama

    What Are You Playing - Retro Edition!

    You my bro. My favorite as well. every now and then I pop in the DX version when I'm bored.
  11. Noritama

    Metro [OT]

    I think it's better overall *New Vegas*. I think last light well be a 7.5/10 -8 at best. I honestly don't have faith in them that much.
  12. Noritama

    Gaming tattoos

    If I really had to get a gaming tattoo it would have to be the triforce. I think getting any other symbol would be kinda lame. On a related note well not really. An anime tattoo I would get is the brand of sacrifice from berserk on my lower neck. :O
  13. Noritama

    Games We Should Cover

    dota 2. Always dota 2.
  14. Noritama

    [OT] Resident Evil 6

    Waiting for the update so I can play RE6 again
  15. Noritama

    Martial Arts - Do you train?

    Gun, Don't need that fancy smancy dancing moves.
  16. Noritama

    I guess Ugh slept in today, so...

    Lol bret has the same birthday as me. Neato
  17. Noritama

    ITT we post awesome things (Deez Sour Nets!)

    Birthday Dethday How my birthday goes today and it's not even that bad. ;D
  18. Noritama

    What are ya playing?

    <.< I haven't played borderlands 2 in awhile. Dunno just boring to me <.<