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  1. GRColin

    Account Security

    Totally funky. Now, getting my avatar image to change is all weird. I uploaded a new image, and it reverted back to Domokun. I still can't figure out half of the configs. The amalgam account is all bizarro. My original password still worked on this Frankenstein. May have gummed things up...
  2. GRColin

    Account Security

    Wow, that's one giant security hole. How the hell would a system allow two identical usernames? Did someone force the system from a backend? If it just allows this, I'm shocked it hasn't happened before. (I won't be shocked if this happens again now that people can see the hole) Guess I...
  3. GRColin

    Account Security

    Looking at the mails into the account, it was clearly one of the mods, and that folks at GR know someone has been using my account for quite awhile. Good to see that Game Revolution has that level of respect for people who started the whole thing. *sigh*
  4. GRColin

    Account Security

    Ah, and I see the description next to my name is super classy. Nice. Oh, and it doesn't seem like something I can easily change. And the image in my posts isn't the same as in my account. Just erased a different sig. Clearly, someone has deep access to the accounts here. Given that this...
  5. GRColin

    Account Security

    Hi All, Been a while since I've been on here, but I've been getting a bunch of "lost password" mails to my email. Turns out, someone has been posting from my account the last few days. Very confusing. Changed my password. Not sure what was going on as the person wasn't pretending to be...
  6. GRColin

    Shows that were cancelled ahead of their time

    Tonight was the series finale of perhaps one of televisions greatest shows of all time, Hannibal. Hannibal was so well done with brilliant performances and writing that it became a critical darling and found a devout following of fans. Unfortunately the ratings weren't there and after 3 seasons...
  7. GRColin


    Yeah...As much as I like Whole Foods it certainly isn't cheap and driving 20 miles only to spend what you would there wouldn't make much sense economically for a student.
  8. GRColin

    Weird s*** people eat.

    Raw kale. Fuck that. Blend it, steam it, whatever you gotta do but for the love of my taste buds don't give that shit to me raw. My stepfather used to have potato chip sandwiches. They're exactly as they sound. He would take Lays regular potato chips, two slices of bread (white of course...
  9. GRColin


    I'd say you're missing out but really, you're not. I mean, the interior is nice, the food is pretty great...Actually you kind of are! Go there for a relatively decent beer selection. Unless there's a decent beer selection where you shop. What state are you in anyways? New Seasons (an Oregon...
  10. GRColin

    Did your perception of your area change when you had a kid?

    When I first moved to Oregon, I really didn't quite know what to think. I gave up beautiful winters with the sun glistening off the fresh snow, living across the street from a lake where I could sit on the dock fishing with a quiet Russian guy who barely knew English and drank shitty Molson...
  11. GRColin

    The Biggest Problem with Time Travel

    Hence a parallel universe where Khan is thawed years earlier than he should have been and Kirk is the one who dies! De-Ting brings up a good point. I certainly never thought of that. The one thing I never got is to time travel you'd essentially have to break yourself down to what, the...
  12. GRColin


    That has to be rough. Dairy is relatively easy to cut out but when you have to remove meat as well I imagine it could feel somewhat limiting. It's nice that she isn't so allergic she can't cook it or be around it. I find it funny when parents get upset about not being able to give their kids...
  13. GRColin

    Lego Video Games That Should Be Made

    I just came into this thread to say Lego Back to the Future :( I bet Lego Gremlins would be a lot of fun. Or Lego Alien! Imagine a little Lego xenomorph popping out of a little Lego John Hurt and him bursting into lego pieces?
  14. GRColin


    No. I was literally just on Facebook right before I made this post and the guy had made I think his 3rd post of the day about being vegan so I came here to vent. If this is the type of shit that counts for the thread a day challenge then Longo has low standards for us.
  15. GRColin


    See that's a little different. I'm sure she's not preaching to the world about how much she loves being a vegan. If you don't mind me asking what kind of condition does she have?
  16. GRColin


    I have yet to meet a vegan that does not reinforce my stereotype I have of them and their lifestyle. It seems every one I meet has to throw it in your face how they're vegan and meat of any kind is wrong. There's this one friend of mine who on on facebook frequently posts preachy memes about...
  17. GRColin

    Thread A Day Challenge!

    Then really I think it's tied with Craig, Deez and I at 2 days lol.
  18. GRColin

    Thread A Day Challenge!

    I think it's Craig with me in 2nd? I'm not sure. I fell off the wagon so to speak the last couple of days.
  19. GRColin

    Gun control - Your thoughts?

    I didn't know that about fully automatic weapons so thanks for that bit of info in regards to background checks. As far as semi-automatic, I know what that means. But the fact that up until just recently you could buy an AR-15 at Wal-Mart, which is a semi automatic rifle, is ridiculous.. I guess...
  20. GRColin

    Gun control - Your thoughts?

    I don't think guns should be outright banned but there should definitely be restrictions on the type of firearm one can own. I mean, who the hell needs a semi-automatic or automatic rifle? The problem is we have such a gun loving culture here and guns are such a part of our society that I...