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  1. Nurgey

    |OT| Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    I got this game for Xbox but for some reason there was a Steam pre-order bonus inside, I don't think I can use it on my Xbox so if anyone here wants it you can just send me a pm?
  2. Nurgey

    Stan Lee - December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018

    Apparently Andrew Garfield dressed up as Spider-Man and got the microphone to introduce the Amazing Spider-Man panel. I'd have dismissed this as a cheap publicity stunt but he honestly seems so earnest that I can't be cynical. I'm kind of excited for next year...
  3. Nurgey

    What have you learned in 2010?

    The worst thing I learnt in 2010 was that you should always make sure your parents have their wills in order. The best thing was that people are actually really amazing sometimes.
  4. Nurgey

    Humble Indie Bundle #2

    I bought a code for a friend yesterday before they released the HIB 1 xD Oh well, I've also purchased myself a code. I think altogether I've spent about $50 with the majority going to Child's Play. It does seem to good to be true but they seem to be raising an impressive amount. Also I love...
  5. Nurgey

    Humble Indie Bundle #2

    I really hope this hasn't already been mentioned. The Humble Indie Bundle #2 is now available for you to get for whatever price you deem fair. I missed the last one and, were I not stuck in Zimbabwe, I would definitely pick this one up. Even if you aren't...
  6. Nurgey

    Ten favorite movies of the year?

    I will probably lose my right to own a penis for this but.... Charlie St. Cloud. I know it looks hackneyed and predictable but dammit I enjoyed the film. Considering how shit the last few months have been for me it was actually quite nice to have the boost that the film gave. Otherwise I fully...
  7. Nurgey

    It's my birthday

    Ugh actually makes a really good point. Hruh. :?
  8. Nurgey

    Hey danielrbischoff

    Well it's nice to 'meet' you regardless. I hope you end up with a post count higher than my own. I try and read your features whenever I notice that it's changed. Truth be told though I tend to not spend much time on the front page so sometimes a couple of days can go by. I am, however...
  9. Nurgey

    Lets talk about fetishes

    Nurses. But they need to be in senior positions in Administration.
  10. Nurgey


    *fap fap fap fap fap* (Apologies to the human race)
  11. Nurgey

    Kids shows time forgot

    Not only has time forgotten but it's about a dinosaur! Also I seem to remember spending an awful lot of my childhood watching this one: Swat Kats
  12. Nurgey


    I'm an outed lurker, I still visit the forums at least once every two days and I'll often fritter away time reading the topics but usually most or all that I want to say is said by another, more eloquent, poster. I don't want GR to die but I also don't want to support a company that (maybe)...
  13. Nurgey

    Scott Pilgrim VS The Expendables

    I just saw Scott Pilgrim for the second time this week and can honestly say it is the most fun I've had in a cinema without the ushers asking me to put my clothes back on. I love the graphic novels and I was more than a little apprehensive that Edgar Wright, genius though he is, would lose the...
  14. Nurgey

    would u hit this

    I'm sad to say that this is exactly what went through my head first. She's meant to have a great personality? So there is that...
  15. Nurgey

    would u hit this

    Remind me Chris_Crime, Shane was the poster that threatened to off himself with a shotgun yes? Edit: In the interests of staying on topic, yes, I would like to get to know her better.
  16. Nurgey

    Gary Coleman dies at age of 42

    I was kind of sad when I heard he had passed away. Then a friend showed me this video: ... r_embedded where a 17 year old Gary Coleman talks about his aspirations. When he gets to the part about "maybe one day, before I get out of the industry, I'll do...
  17. Nurgey

    What a twist

    I recently watched the whole series in preparation for the movie and I can honestly say I really enjoyed it. The show has excellent character development, a good plot and deals with some surprisingly adult themes. I really hope the film turns out well.
  18. Nurgey

    Red Dead Redemption

    I'm enjoying it so far :) I'm OverhandCrane on Xbox
  19. Nurgey

    Graphic Novels

    Ex Machina - It's a superhero comic but about a guy with powers who decides becoming an elected official and putting the costume away is a more effective way to make change in the world. The Walking Dead - A zombie story which focuses on how messed up people would eventually become living in...