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  1. tyler

    what happened to the game revolution look!!?

    That may be the best reason to get a Mac that I've ever heard
  2. tyler

    Comic Showdown Champions - Batman and The X-Men!!

    Madman Beast Mr. Freeze Silver Surfer Heroes for Hire Thunderbolts
  3. tyler

    Movie Character showdown The winner announced.

    Myers Mask no vote It
  4. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    They make a gag product called the iFail. It could be the next easy button, but instead remind that special person just how much they fail. Oh yah..... Sephiroth!!!
  5. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    Auron no! i missed barret's match....sorry my little token black guy
  6. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    Balthier cheated!!! Cheated I say!!
  7. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    Auron Lulu
  8. tyler

    The Triumphant Return of the Longo Comic

    I'll be in as Brian ... _sheet.PNG
  9. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    barret zidane vincent no vote
  10. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    Malboro!! That's the only one I care about.
  11. tyler

    The Return of Ninjas sprite comics.

    *in a cute little toddler voice* excuse me mr. ninja :oops: ........cou.....could i in the comic? i w...w...wanna be spawn ... /Spawn.gif 8)
  12. tyler

    The Return of Ninjas sprite comics.

    still hard to read.... Comic was decent. I demand more!
  13. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    zidane tifa fran vincent no vote garnet
  14. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    Cid Black Mage Red XIII Regent Cid
  15. tyler

    Make me laugh, peons!(Funny stuff in here Vids, jpgs, jokes)

    Family friendly edit to the jonas brothers that my sis covered the desktop with.
  16. tyler

    The GR Final Fantasy Character Showdown (Auron wins!)

    poor Vivi and Cactaur. Knocked out because they were paired up against the hot, popular girls. There better be an Ashe v. Yuna match-up next round to get rid of one of them. Then put the leftover one up against Sephiroth. :) Vivi shall be avenged!!
  17. tyler

    Who likes cookies?

    snickerdoodle...mmmmm peanut butter is good sometimes too