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  1. Frozen

    Is there anyway you can enlarge our avatars?

    They need to be bigger. The current size does no justice tot he butterfingery goodness in my avatar.
  2. Frozen

    Favorite Show

    WHERE THE FOOK IS HOUSE?! Actually, I am starting to not like that show anymore. I just knew it was coming where they were going to add trashy sex to the show. When the new season started I just sensed a disturbance in the force. House was the first prime time show I liked, and they decided...
  3. Frozen

    Say goodbye, Sony!

    Gotta love April 1st.
  4. Frozen


    Dreamcast emulation is far from perfect. Besides, it isnt as easy to find dreamcast games on the net such as NES ones due to their large size. It is just easier to buy the games themselves. Also anyone know where I can get a regular, white dreamcast case other than ebay?
  5. Frozen


    Did they go out of business? isnt working anymore. If so that is a damn shame as they always had what I couldn't find in stores. Where can I get my obscure dreamcast games from now?
  6. Frozen

    Obscure Dreamcast Maracas question

    Yes, they will work for Samba De Amigo. I know people that brought them for the game and they worked just fine. But they are kinda hit and miss, for some people they work flawlessly while others have major problems with them.
  7. Frozen

    Changed Review Grade?

    I like how Link is always Joe's guinea pig.
  8. Frozen

    Your First Experience

    My first arcade experience was the ninja turtles arcade game (I think... either that or some shooter game, I played a lot of different games that day). The one where april has those massive boobs. First home console experience was with my babysitter's NES. I think I was 6 at the time. My...
  9. Frozen

    removing stickers from games

    Wow, I havent purchased a console game in so long that it took me a while to figure out wtf this topic was all about. PC gaming is far superior.
  10. Frozen

    What do you think about how well these forums are run?

    Yea the current moderation (or rather lack of) is crap. All the GMs need to do is hire a few more mods. The old mods are good and all, but they dont visit nearly as much anymore. Seems to be time to change up the moderation staff. What makes it ridiculous is that the TNO was appointed to GM...
  11. Frozen

    Skinned or Unskinned

    Well, that was based on my unscientific research involving watching tons upon tons of amateur porn footage. A quick wikipedia search (yea, yea, I know) says that the most US makes are circumcised. Well, whatever the truth is, I know circumcision is a common practice in the US.
  12. Frozen

    Skinned or Unskinned

    The majority of Americans are circumcised. It isn't just a jewish thing. Te reason you aren't circumcised is because your parents don't love you. If they really loved you, you would be circumcised so your penis wouldn't stick out in a gay orgy. That's just embarrassing.
  13. Frozen

    Pics of yourself

    I got a boner. Only thing that would make that hotter would be me, behing you, grasping your nipple.
  14. Frozen


    What i never understood in Mario 3 is why the hell they chose to turn mario into raccoon... thingy to fly? I mean, wtf, raccoons don't fly! They don't even do anything that resembles flying! Clearly this supports my claim that the mario developers were under the influence of something when...
  15. Frozen

    Pics of yourself

    He is a complete man whore, he slept with every member at GR at least twice. Always the cute ones. EDIT: After looking through the pictures, you guys look totally different. I remember seeing you guys pictures a while back.Ya'll were just little big eye kids then. Now look at yas, everyones...
  16. Frozen

    British or American Office.

    I never understood that. "Pants"? What is so bad about pants? I enjoy sporting a spiffy new pair of pants. They also hide Mr. Johnson from the elements, which is definitely a plus. What is the alternative to pants? Shorts? Well those are all fine and good in the summer but once fall hits my legs...
  17. Frozen

    Tomb Raider: Anniversary

    They were very clunky. Mainly the fact that you really couldn't take off running in one direction and had to pivot if you wanted to go anywhere else but foward. This got me killed plenty of times in fights because you are unable to turn quickly in one direction. Then when you manage to get...
  18. Frozen

    Tomb Raider: Anniversary

    Yea, those action parts in TR:Legend really turned me off. My favorite levels were the ones inside of temples, where action was minimal and puzzle solving was high (all though they could've really amped up the difficulty of those puzzles, those were puzzles a 4 year old could solve in five...
  19. Frozen

    Greatest Videogame Level Ever

    It probably was SH2... like I said, I don't play games much anymore to really remember specifics! All I know is that it was one of the most kickass moments in gaming... wherever it was.
  20. Frozen

    Greatest Videogame Level Ever

    I had to think about this for a minute. I usually just remember great games and not a single level. I don't play games enough anymore to remember a specific portion either. But anyway, my favorite level has to be that apartment complex (at least I think it was an apartment complex) in Silent...