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  1. samsmith614

    Must-Have N64 Classics

    Oh god yeah...Golden Eye all day!
  2. samsmith614

    What age did you first start playing games?

    Played my friends Genesis when I was 7ish. Got a SNES soon after.
  3. samsmith614

    Are you glad you grew up in the gaming era you did?

    Loved SNES. And then Game Cube. Anyone that hasn't had the experience of playing Mario Cart on Game Cube hasn't lived.
  4. samsmith614

    Half-Life 3 confirmed

  5. samsmith614

    Sega Genesis VS SNES

    My friend had a Genesis. I had an SNES. I always thought I was the smarter one :)
  6. samsmith614

    Do You Keep Your Boxes?

    Yup. Also in case of move. Easy to find a box to fit the console when the console originally came in the box :)
  7. samsmith614

    Must-Have PS2 Classics

    This is inspiring me to dig up the old PS2. Some nostalgia is good every once in a while :)
  8. samsmith614

    Goodbye Robin Williams

    I don't see how anyone could have NOT been fan. Obviously didn't know him personally, but by all accounts he was as amazing a person in real life as he seemed to be on the surface. Will surely be missed by millions.
  9. samsmith614

    That's just what i needed

    Familiar TV shows are always nice...even when you have seen the episode a million times. How I Met Your Mother or Parks & Rec does it for me...or The Office. Never gets old.